Latin II Agenda/Homework

 Advanced Grammar Book: Caesar - Morphology and Syntax

Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ or ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ APP for IPHONE\

Here is a list LATIN TUTORS from The National Latin Honor Society, if you need help or would LIKE some tutoring at lunch or at another time.

 Advanced Grammar Book: Caesar - Morphology and Syntax

Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, March 13, 2025.

1) Be well prepared to read the 3rd and final page of the Death of Priam

2) Complete section III of Verbal Morphological Madness.

3) Quiz on the morphology of the present and imperfect subjunctive and the meanings and syntax of “ut”.

4) Review Catullus V.

5) Quiz on the vocabulary list for the Death of Priam on Tuesday, March 18. Verb game on the back for the verb: fero, ferre, tuli, latus.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, March 11, 2025.

1) Review the handout and sentences on the uses and meanings of “ut” with indicative vs. the subjunctive mood.

1.5) Watch this video and take notes that include all examples and paradigms. Notes are due on Tuesday.

2) Read and write out a translation for the following two selections and use commentary/vocabulary to help. Be able to show me your written out translation and to read/translate orally in class.

a) Catullus V

b) The 3rd and final page of the Death of Priam

3) Quiz on the vocabulary list for the Death of Priam on Friday, March 14. Verb game on the back for the verb: fero, ferre, tuli, latus.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

1) Complete the quiz on the morphology of the present subjunctive that you started in class on Friday. Sign pledge.

2) Watch these videos, take notes with all examples and turn in on Tuesday:

a) Jussive Subjunctive b) Purpose clauses

3) Old but bring the completed (all four pages) the take home quiz on Adverbs for Thursday’s class, even if we do the class via zoom.

4) 3rd quarter test on Thursday, March 6. Value 200 points. Review and study: All readings, deponent verbs, comparative and superlative adverbs and adjective, ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison; uses of quam and the present subjunctive and three uses of the subjunctive mood: jussive/hortatory, purpose clauses and indirect question.

5) Start learning the vocabulary list for the Death of Priam. It is green. Email if you need it. Quiz on approx. 10 days.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, February 28, 2025.

1) Watch this video on the MORPHOLOGY of the present subjunctive. Take detailed notes with all forms recorded. USE COLOUR to highlight the diffierent vowels and recite forms aloud for longterm retention. Notes due on FRIday.

2)Quiz on formation/morphology of the present subjunctive in the same format as exercises corrected in class.

3) Bring the completed (all four pages) the take home quiz on Adverbs for Thursday’s class, even if we do the class via zoom.

4) REVIEIEIEW: Death of Priam, Pars Secunda, from lines 514 down to multō vitam cum sanguine fūdit. Use 4 page commentary to help.

5) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on deponent verbs, comparative and superlative adverbs and adjective, ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison; uses of quam and the present subjunctive.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, February 27, 2025.

1) Watch this video on the MORPHOLOGY of the present subjunctive. Take detailed notes with all forms recorded. USE COLOUR to highlight the diffierent vowels and recite forms aloud for longterm retention. Notes due on Thursday.

2) Complete pages 2, 3, 4 of handout titled Subjunctive - The Present Tense Morphology.

3) Bring the completed (all four pages) the take home quiz on Adverbs for Thursday’s class, even if we do the class via zoom.

4) Read, translate and be able to discuss the Death of Priam, Pars Secunda, from lines 514 down to multō vitam cum sanguine fūdit. Use 4 page commentary to help.

5) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on deponent verbs, comparative and superlative adverbs and adjective, ablative of degree of difference and ablative of comparison; uses of quam and the present subjunctive.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, February 25, 2025.

Watch this video on the MORPHOLOGY of the present subjunctive. Take detailed notes with all forms recorded. USE COLOUR to highlight the diffierent vowels and recite forms aloud for longterm retention.

1) Watch this video and take highly detailed and shapely notes. Graded. Turn in on Tuesday.

2) Bring the completed (all four pages) the take home quiz on Adverbs for Thursday’s class, even if we do the class via zoom.

3) Read, translate and be able to discuss the Death of Priam, Pars Secunda, from lines 514 down to multō vitam cum sanguine fūdit. Use 4 page commentary to help.

5) Start review for 3rd quarter test.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, February 20, 2025.


1) Complete the take home quiz on Adverbs for Thursday’s class, even if we do the class via zoom.

2) Read, translate and be able to discuss the Death of Priam, Pars Secunda, lines 506-514 down to penates.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, February 18, 2025.

1) Consolidation QUIZ on ADVERBS of all types - mostly vocabulary and application - sentences (study Adevebs ad nauseam and earlier handouts on adverbs) and typical a syntax with adverbs: ablative of degree of difference (paulo, multo, aliquanto, nihilo) and ablative of comparison (pavone laudato), uses and meanings of quam. Here is a list of the more significant ones: nimis, prudenter, multum, plus, plurimum, male, bene, melius, peius, minus, minime, parum, paulum, paulatim, verbatim, statim, ibi, numquam, umquam, clam, palam, iam, tam, tam…quam, quam?, modo, hic, huc, hinc, illic, illuc, illinc, tunc, nunc, diu, diutius, diutissime, longe, longius, etiam, quoque, facile, celeriter, acriter, acrius, acerrime, saepius, primo, primum, quam primum, prius, etc.). Here are two videos for review. 1. ADVERBS ONE 2. Watch only the first 10 minutes of this rather weird video.

2) The Death of King Priam:

a) Review what we read in class on Thursday.

b) Finish reading/translation the whole first page down to 505 - tenent Danaī quā dēficit ignis. See email for text, vocabulary and commentary in a separate document.

3) Keep review all things for approaching 3rd quarter test.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, February 11, 2025.


1) Complete page 1, 2, 3 the green handout titled Adverbs Ad Nauseam. You may wish to review the ablative of degree of difference and the ablative of comparison. HW grade.

2) Complete and turn in the Assignment on Aeolus and Juno, Pars Secunda.

3) Review and bring to class the Aeolus reading.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, February 6, 2025.

Click here to pay for the National Latin Exam and the Classical Association of Virginia Exam. Please do this ASAP.

1) Work on Adverbs:

a) Watch only the first 10 minutes of this rather weird video and take detailed notes with all examples and paradigms included. Graded ass. due on Thursday.

b) Complete page 2 of Short Sentences and Poem with Adverbs.

c) Quiz on the formation of adverbs - positive, comparative and superlative - regular and irregular - especially irregular. Similar to page 1 and 2 of adverb exercises that we did in class.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, February 4, 2025.

1) Two assignment to complete for Tuesday and turn into me at the beginning of class.

a) 4 English to Latin Sentences titled Latin Composition. See page 3 for vocabulary. Come on lunch on Monday if you would like me to underline your mistakes prior to submission on Tuesday. and use only your notes, prior work and charts for help.

b) Work independently to complete the double-sided assignment for Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode (lines 50-57). Due Tuesday, you notes from class should be of great help with this. See me on Monday at lunch if you need help.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, January 31, 2025.

1)Read and write out a translation for page one down to line 57 of Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode. Be prepared to read and translate in class from the text alone.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, January 30, 2025.

1) Review the multiples uses and meanings of QUAM and the syntax common with comparative and superlative, including ablative of comparison and degree of difference. comparative adjectives superlative adjectives Tu es multō ferocior ursā fetā.

2) Complete ALL sentences in pink handout and learn the paradigms of plus, pluris and plures, plura. See handout on Degrees of Adjectives for the meanings of quam. Nota bene: Deponents in these sentences will appear prominently on the vocabulary quiz.

3) Vocabulary quiz on the list of deponent verbs on Thursday, January 30. Know six verbs that govern the ablative case and the semi-deponent verbs. What case does fido, fidere, fisus sum take?

4) For Thursday, Jan. 30 watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Give special attention to irregular adjectives. Graded ass. Ablative of Degree of Difference Ablative of Comparison

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, January 28, 2025.

Review the multiples uses and meanings of QUAM.

1) Quiz on page one of Degrees of Adjectives - Regular and Irregular. It will be the same format as the first page of your handout on Degrees of Adjectives - Regular and Irregular.

2) Turn in the assignment for Jupiter Sends Mercury to Admonish Aeneas Graded Ass. Email if you need this.

3) For Tuesday, Jan. 28 watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Give special attention to irregular adjectives. These are the adjectival things to learn in Latin. Graded ass.

comparative adjectives superlative adjectives

4) Vocabulary quiz on the list of deponent verbs on Thursday, January 30. Know six verbs that govern the ablative case and the semi-deponent verbs.

5) For Thursday, Jan. 30 watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Give special attention to irregular adjectives. Graded ass.

Ablative of Degree of Difference Ablative of Comparison

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, January 23, 2025.

1) Quiz on page one of Degrees of Adjectives - Regular and Irregular.

2) Turn in the assignment for Jupiter Sends Mercury to Admonish Aeneas and turn in on Tuesday. Graded Ass.

3)Read and write out a translation for page one of Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode.

4) For Thrusday watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Give special attention to irregular adjectives. These are the adjectival things to learn in Latin. Graded ass.

comparative adjectives superlative adjectives

5) Vocabulary quiz on the list of deponent verbs on Tuesday, January 28. Know six verbs that govern the ablative case and the semi-deponent verbs.

6) Up coming videos if you wish to get ahead:

Ablative of Degree of Difference Ablative of Comparison

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

1) Second quiz on Deponent Verbs. This one will be mostly morphology and application. Know six verbs that govern the ablative case and the semi-deponent verbs.

2) Complete the assignment for Jupiter Sends Mercury to Admonish Aeneas and turn in on Tuesday. Graded Ass.

3)Read and write out a translation for page one of Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode.

4) For Thrusday watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Give special attention to irregular adjectives. These are the adjectival things to learn in Latin.

comparative adjectives superlative adjectives

5) Vocabulary quiz on the list of deponent verbs on Tuesday, January 28. Know six verbs that govern the ablative case and the semi-deponent verbs.

6) Up coming videos if you wish to get ahead:

Ablative of Degree of Difference Ablative of Comparison

Agenda/Homework for Friday, January17, 2025.

1) Quiz on Deponent Verbs.

2) Finish reading and translating Jupiter Sends Mercury to Admonish Aeneas. Be able to read, discuss and translate in class on Thursday.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, January 7, 2025.

1) New Thing: Deponent Verbs. Watch this video and take detailed notes with all examples included. Use color to highlight most salient elements.

2) Review positive, comparative and superlative adjectives.

3) Partes Corporis.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, December 117, 2024.

1) Complete and turn in the What Ariovistus Said Assignment. Graded MONKEY. Work independently and sign pledge.

2) For Tuesday, December 17, 2024 watch this video and take detailed notes. Notes are due on Tuesday.

3) 2nd Quarter Test on Thursday, December 19. 200-250 points. Study: Declension Fun Game with comparative adjective and idem, eadem, idem; Sexy verb game, verbal morphology including participles and infinitives; syntax of participles and the ablative absolute; passive periphrastic with dative of agent; ablative of personal agent; dative of purpose (cibo, saluti, praesidio, dono) dative of reference (videtur mihi), dative of interest; dative with special verbs compound verbs; relative tense of participles and infinitives; syntax of infinintives - subjective infinitive (mordere est bonum) with impersonal verbs (licet, placet, oportet), complementary and INDIRECT STATEMENT. Comparative and superlative adjectives. Review the selection read from: Caesar vs. Ariovistus, the Cat and the Hat and all of The Death of Ajax and the Orpheus et Eurydice. Review your completed and corrected English to Latin sentences from the past few weeks.

Agenda/Homework for Tuesday, December 10, 2024.

1) Complete both sides of Declension Fun assignment with verb game on the back.

2) Complete sentences 3 and 4 of Vergilian and Ovidian Epic Sentences with Indirect Statements et Alia. Click here for a version with added vocabulary.

3) Continue learning the vocabulary list for the Death of Ajax. Quiz on Wednesday, December 12.

3.5) For Thursday, December 12, 2024 watch this video and take detailed notes. Notes are due on Tuesday.

4) Begin learning the horizontal list of verbs associated with infinitives. Quiz in one week.

5) Review the selection read from the Cat and the Hat and all of The Death of Ajax and the Orpheus et Eurydice. 2nd quarter test approximately a fortnight after Thanks Giving.

Agenda/Homework for Friday, December 6, 2024.

Email if you need anything below.

1) Complete the assignment for the Death of Ajax - all four pages. Graded ass. Work independently but you may use any resources to help, including your annotated text and notes.

Agenda/Homework for Thursday, December 5, 2024.

Email if you need anything below.

1) Complete pages 1 and 2 of the Quiz on Infinitives and Indirect Statement (Oratio Oblique).

2) Review and reread all of the Death of Ajax. Be able to read and translate orally in class on Thursday.

3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for the Death of Ajax. Quiz on Friday, December 6.

4) Prior to Thursday’s Class Watch these two videos on Oratio Obliqua and Tenses of Infinitives in Indirect Statement take detailed notes. Notes are due on Thursday. Include all examples.

5) Begin learning the horizontal list of verbs associated with infinitives. Quiz in one week.

5) Review the selection read from the Cat and the Hat and all of The Death of Ajax and the Orpheus et Eurydice. 2nd quarter test approximately a fortnight after Thanks Giving.

Agenda for Tuesday, December 3, 2024.

Email if you need anything below.

1) Bring the completed assignment Morphology of Latin Infinitives & Seven Serpentine Sentences

2) Begin learning the vocabulary list for the Death of Ajax. Quiz on Friday, December 6.

3) Prior to Thursday’s Class Watch these two videos on Oratio Obliqua and Tenses of Infinitives in Indirect Statement take detailed notes. Notes are due on Thursday. Include all examples.

4) Begin learning the horizontal list of verbs associated with infinitives. Quiz in one week.

5) Review the selection read from the Cat and the Hat and the first half of The Death of Ajax and the Orpheus et Eurydice. 2nd quarter test approximately a fortnight after Thanks Giving.

Homework forTuesday, November 26, 2024.

Email if you need anything below.

1) Complete the white handout on Participles with Seven Serpentine Sentences.

2) Complete the blue handout with English to Latin sentences. See horizontal list of verbs with infinitival syntax for help.

3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for the Death of Ajax. Quiz in 10 days approximately.

Homework for Friday, November 22, 2024.

1) Watch this video and take notes. Notes are due on Friday. Include all paradigms and examples. GRADED ASS.

2) Short morphological quiz on morphology of all infinitives, similar to what we did with mordeo, mordere in class.

3) Finish the all sentences in the handout on infinitives on the page with the two bears, ursa maior and ursa minor. What three things comprise INDIRECT STATEMENT? What case is the subjunctive of an infinitive? What English word should be placed before an accusative subject? I know that you know that it is the word ___________.

3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for the Death of Ajax. Quiz in 10 days approximately.

Homework for Thursday, November 21, 2024.

1) Watch this video and take notes. Notes are due on Thursday. Include all paradigms and examples. GRADED ASS.

2) Read and translate the first half of the Death of Ajax, which was handed out on Tuesday following the test. See page 3-4 for vocabulary.

3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for the Death of Ajax. Quiz in 10 days approximately.

Homework for Tuesday, November 19, 2024.

1) See your email for a key for English to Latin sentences.

2) Diminutive exam/test/very large quiz on all participles and ablative absolute coming soon with a verb game. Do not forget the dative of agent and the passive periphrastic (Hoc tibi memorandum est), syntax of the dative and ablative cases in general. Click here for videos on the future passive participle. Study also Wheelock’s Latin, chapters XXIII and XXIV. Diminutive exam on Tuesday, November 19.

Check list for above test:

a) Verb Game with active and passive of all tenses, participles and present infinitives active and passive and imperative mood.

b) Morphology and syntax of participles and relative tense. Be able to elevate participles into subordinate clauses in English.

c) Ablative Absolute - three kinds, relative tense, meaning of absolute, elevated with “when”.

d) Passive periphrastic and dative of agent. Haec omnia tibi agenda sunt.

e) Other uses of the dative (agent, special verbs, compound verbs, purpose, reference, etc.) and ablative case (means, manner, time when, time within which, personal agent with ab, SIDSPACE prepositions, absolute, sepereation, cause and respect). See 8 page case syntax handout.

Homework for Thursday, November 21, 2024.

1) Watch this video and take notes. Notes are due on Thursday. Include all paradigms and examples. GRADED ASS.

2) Read and translate the first half of the Death of Ajax, which was handed out on Tuesday following the test. See page 3-4 for vocabulary.

3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for the Death of Ajax. Quiz in 10 days approximately.

Homework for Friday, November 12, 2024.

1) Finish all 4 pages, including the verb game, of the Take Home Quiz on the Ablative Absolute. You may wish to review this video on the ablative absolute.

Homework for Thursday, November 14, 2024.

1) Finish all THREE pages of the purple assignment titled Test Preparation - Ablative Absolute. SEE YOUR EMAIL FOR A COPY with ADDED VOCABULARY.

2) Finished the 2nd verbal game - the one with fero, ferre.

3) Finish and prepare the last two paragraphs (on following page) of Orpheus Et Eurydice. See pages 3-4 of handout for vocabulary.

4) Diminutive exam on all participles and ablative absolute coming soon with a verb game. Do not forget the dative of agent and the passive periphrastic (Hoc tibi memorandum est), syntax of the dative and ablative cases in general. Click here for videos on the future passive participle. Study also Wheelock’s Latin, chapters XXIII and XXIV. Diminutive exam on Tuesday, November 19.

Homework for Friday, November 12, 2024.

1) Finish all 4 pages, including the verb game, of the Take Home Quiz on the Ablative Absolute. You may wish to review this video on the ablative absolute.

2) Finish and prepare the last two paragraphs (one following page) of Orpheus Et Eurydice. See pages 3-4 of handout for vocabulary.

3) Quiz on participles and ablative absolute coming soon. Do not forget the dative of agent and the passive periphrastic. Hoc tibi memorandum est. Click here for videos on the future passive participle. Study also Wheelock’s Latin, chapters XXIII and XXIV.

Homework for Friday, November 8, 2024.

1) Finish all 5 pages of the purple handout on the ablative case.

2) Watch this video on the new thing and take detailed notes. Notes due on Thursday, November 7, 2024.

3) Finish and prepare all of Orpheus Et Eurydice. See pages 3-4 of handout for vocabulary. In paragraph two Orpheus… ausus est = “Orpheus dared”…Conatus sum (middle of paragraph two) = “I tired” - these two verbs are passive in form but active in meaning.

Homework for Thursday, November 7, 2024.

1) Review Latin’s four participles and the relative tense of each. What is a passive periphrastic? When is the dative of agent used?

2) Watch this video on the new thing and take detailed notes. Notes due on Thursday, November 7, 2024.

4) Finish and prepare all of Orpheus Et Eurydice. See pages 3-4 of handout for vocabulary. In paragraph two Orpheus… ausus est = “Orpheus dared”…Conatus sum (middle of paragraph two) = “I tired” - these two verbs are passive in form but active in meaning.

Homework for Tuesday, October 29, 2024.

1) Complete the quiz on participles. Work independently and sign pledge. Due at the beginning of class on Monday. You may use a dictionary, if needed.

2) Turn in notes on the Dative of Agent (no preposition).

3) Click here for the Great Pumpkin Project. Email me when you have chosen your myth. Begin by choosing a myth from Ovid’s Metamorphoses that we have not yet read in class. See your email for an outline of the stories in this 15 book epic poem. Pumpkins and presentation are due on Thursday, Oct. 31. Late work = 0/100.

4) Read and write out a translation for paragraphs TWO and THREE of Orpheus Et Eurydice. See pages 3-4 of handout for vocabulary. In paragraph two Orpheus… ausus est = “Orpheus dared”…Conatus sum (middle of paragraph two) = “I tired” - these two verbs are passive in form but active in meaning.

Homework for Thursday, October 24, 2024.

1) Crucial and Essential Work on Latin’s Four Participles (do this in order):

a) Study notes and work from Tuesday’s class and then watch this video and take notes on the Dative of Agent (no preposition). Due Thursday.

b) Old but bring complete: Complete pass 1, 2, 3 of Four Latin Participles vs.Perseus. See the final page of this ass. for charter of all participles. HW grade.

c) Quiz on the formation of each of the four particles, some application (sentences) and a verb game, like we did in class on Tuesday.

2) Watch this video and then read and write out a translation for paragraphs TWO and THREE of Orpheus Et Eurydice. See pages 3-4 of handout for vocabulary. In paragraph two Orpheus… ausus est = “Orpheus dared”…Conatus sum (middle of paragraph two) = “I tired” - these two verbs are passive in form but active in meaning.

3) We will start work on the Great Pumpkin Project this week. Begin by choosing a myth from Ovid’s Metamorphoses that we have not yet read in class. See your email for an outline of the stories in this 15 book epic poem.

Homework for Thursday, October 17, 2024.

1) Crucial and Essential Work on Latin’s Four Participles (do this in order):

a) Study Poma & Participles (green thing from class) and then read and study Wheelock’s Latin, CAPVT XXIII, pages 184-7. You may wish to rewatch this video.

b) Complete pass 1, 2, 3 of Four Latin Participles vs.Perseus. See the final page of this ass. for charter of all participles.

c) Short quiz on the formation of each of the four particles in the same format as page one above.

2) Watch this video and then read and write out a translation for paragraphs one and two of Orpheus Et Eurydice. See pages 3-4 of handout for vocabulary. In paragraph two Orpheus… ausus est = “Orpheus dared”…Conatus sum (middle of paragraph two) = “I tired” - these two verbs are passive in form but active in meaning.

3) We will start work on the Great Pumpkin Project this week. Begin by choosing a myth from Ovid’s Metamorphoses that we have not yet read in class. See your email for an outline of the stories in this 15 book epic poem.

Homework for Thursday, October 17, 2024.

1) Crucial and Essential New Thing:

Watch this video and take highly detailed and precise notes, which are due on Thursday and will be graded for detail and organization. Late assignment will not be accepted.

Homework for Tuesday, October 15, 2024.

1) Big Bunny TEST for Rabid Rabbits - 200-250 rabbit points. SEE YOUR EMAIL FOR A DETAILED STUDY GUIDE.

Do not forget to quickly review the principal parts and present system tenses of irregular verbs and their compounds. See green morphological handout and this link for videos.

Objective Genitive

Genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um.


Double Dative Dative with Compound Verbs

Present Passive Indicative Future Passive Indicative

Masculine and Feminine    &    Neuter Fifth Declension Nouns

Homework for Friday, October 11, 2024.

1) In Perfect Passive Participle & Them Apples:

a) Complete in section II Latin to English sentences 3 and 4.

b) Complete in section III English to Latin sentences 6 and 7, see email for more vocabulary.

2) Turn in notes on Double Dative Dative with Compound Verbs

3) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test (value 200 points) on Tuesday, October 15. a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns. d) Passive Voice; e) dative of reference with videor, videri, visus sum - to seem, e.g. Nobis hoc videtur difficile. f) ALL STORIES read thus far. e) Relative Pronoun; g) Interrogative pronoun. All uses of the dative case: See case syntax handout. Double Dative Dative with Compound Verbs

Homework for Thursday, October 10, 2024.

1) Review the first four lines of Ovid’s Metamorphoses and then watch this short video. Take notes.

2) In Perfect Passive Participle & Them Apples:

a) Complete in section II Latin to English sentences 3 and 4.

b) Complete in section III English to Latin sentences 2, 3, 4, 5.

3) Finish reading and translated the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th paragraph of Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Secunda). See the 2nd page for vocabulary or the long list handed out. Email if you need this. Be able to read and translate in class without looking at your prepared translation.

4) Turn in notes on Double Dative Dative with Compound Verbs

5) VOCABULARY QUIZ on Atalanta and Hippomenes (email if you need it). QUIZ on Thursday, October 10. Another copy of this list was handed out on Friday. BONUS: Decline eadem res or īdem cursus. See your email of the picture on the back of the quiz to label.

6) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Tuesday, October 15. a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns. d) Passive Voice; e) dative of reference with videor, videri, visus sum - to seem, e.g. Nobis hoc videtur difficile. f) ALL STORIES read thus far. e) Relative Pronoun; g) Interrogative pronoun. All uses of the dative case: See case syntax handout. Double Dative Dative with Compound Verbs

Homework for Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

1) Finish reading and translated the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th paragraph of Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Secunda). See the 2nd page for vocabulary or the long list handed out. Email if you need this. Be able to read and translate in class without looking at your prepared translation.

2) Complete sentences 6-8 on test preparation sentences. Due Tuesday. See email for copy with added vocabulary.

3) Turn in notes on Double Dative Dative with Compound Verbs

4) VOCABULARY QUIZ on Atalanta and Hippomenes (email if you need it). QUIZ on Tuesday, October 8. Another copy of this list was handed out on Friday. BONUS: Decline eadem res or īdem cursus. See your email of the picture on the back of the quiz to label.

5) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Thursday, October 10. : a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns. d) Passive Voice; e) dative of reference with videor, videri, visus sum - to seem, e.g. Nobis hoc videtur difficile. f) ALL STORIES read thus far. e) Relative Pronoun; g) Interrogative pronoun. All uses of the dative case: See case syntax handout. Double Dative Dative with Compound Verbs

Homework for Friday, October 5, 2024.

ZOOM MEETING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AT 6:00 PM for ITALY SUMMER PROGRAM for Parents and Students. ZOOM link will be emailed prior to meeting.


1) Finish reading and translated the 1st and 2nd paragraphs of Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Secunda). See the 2nd page for vocabulary or the long list handed out. Email if you need this.

2) Complete sentences 1-5 on test preparation sentences. Due Friday.

3) Review the morphology of the dative case and watch these two videos on new uses of the dative case. Take detailed notes, which are due on Friday.

Double Dative Dative with Compound Verbs

4) Begin learn the vocabulary list for Atalanta and Hippomenes (email if you need it). Quiz on Tuesday, October 8.

5) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Thursday, October 10. : a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns. d) Passive Voice; e) dative of reference with videor, videri, visus sum - to seem, e.g. Nobis hoc videtur difficile. f) ALL STORIES read thus far. e) Relative Pronoun; g) Interrogative pronoun. All uses of the dative case: Double Dative Dative with Compound Verbs

Homework for Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

1) Finish reading and translated the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th paragraph of Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Secunda). See the 2nd page for vocabulary or the long list handed out. Email if you need this. Be able to read and translate in class without looking at your prepared translation.

2) Complete sentences 6-8 on test preparation sentences. Due Tuesday. See email for copy with added vocabulary.

3) Turn in notes on Double Dative Dative with Compound Verbs

4) Vocabulary quiz on Atalanta and Hippomenes (email if you need it). Quiz on Tuesday, October 8. Another copy of this list was handed out on Friday.

5) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Thursday, October 10. : a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns. d) Passive Voice; e) dative of reference with videor, videri, visus sum - to seem, e.g. Nobis hoc videtur difficile. f) ALL STORIES read thus far. e) Relative Pronoun; g) Interrogative pronoun. All uses of the dative case: Double Dative Dative with Compound Verbs

Homework for Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

ZOOM MEETING ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AT 6:00 PM for ITALY SUMMER PROGRAM for Parents and Students. ZOOM link will be emailed prior to meeting.


1) Finish the 4th paragraph on the next page or use the enlarged copy handed out in class of Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Prima). See the 2nd page for vocabulary or the long list handed out.

2) Make corrects on turtle sentences 2, 3, 4, 5 that were handed back on Friday.

3) Bring sentences on page 6 of Passive Voice in the Present System. HW grade.

4) Begin learn the vocabulary list for Atalanta and Hippomenes (email if you need it). Quiz on Tuesday, October 8.

5) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Friday, October 4. : a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns. d) Passive Voice; e) dative of reference with videor, videri, visus sum - to seem, e.g. Nobis hoc videtur difficile. f) ALL STORIES read thus far. e) Relative Pronoun; g) Interrogative pronoun.

Homework for Thursday, September 26, 2024.

1) Watch this video and take highly detailed and precise notes. Due Thursday.

2) Finish the 3rd (long paragraphy) of Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Prima). See the 2nd page for vocabulary or the long list handed out.

3) Bring sentences on page 6 of Passive Voice in the Present System. HW grade.

4) Begin learn the vocabulary list for Atalanta and Hippomenes (email if you need it). Quiz in 8-10 days.

5) Things to keep reviewing for 1st quarter test: a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns. d) Passive Voice; e) dative of reference with videor, videri, visus sum - to seem, e.g. Nobis hoc videtur difficile.

Homework for Tuesday, September 24, 2024.

1) Complete sentences 2, 3, 4, 5 in Passive Turtle Assignment. See your email for new copy with vocabulary on the 3 page. Graded Ass. Due Tuesday. I will underline mistakes if you bring sentences to me on Monday. Value 60 points. Work independently and sign pledge.

2) Read and write out a translation for Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Prima) paragraphs one and two.

3) Turn in the Purple ass. on Ancus Marcius story on Tuesday. Graded. Work independently.

4) Bring sentences on page 6 of Passive Voice in the Present System. HW grade.

5) Begin learn the vocabulary list for Atalanta and Hippomenes (email if you need it). Quiz in 8-10 days.

6) Things to keep reviewing for 1st quarter test: a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns. d) Passive Voice; e) dative of reference with videor, videri, visus sum - to seem, e.g. Nobis hoc videtur difficile.

Homework for Friday, September 20, 2024.

1) Quiz on morphology of the passive voice in the all present system tenses in the same format as pages 1-4 of Passive Voice in the Present System. See Wheelock, pages 146 and 169 if you need information on this topic Present Passive Indicative Future Passive Indicative Turn your notes in on Friday, Graded Ass.

2) Complete the first sentence in the blue Passive Turtle Sentences with UNUS NAUTA words.

3) Bring sentences on page 6 of Passive Voice in the Present System. HW grade.

3) The purpose ass. on Ancus Marcius will be due on Tuesday.

4) Things to keep reviewing for 1st quarter test: a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns. d) Passive Voice; e) dative of reference with videor, videri, visus sum - to seem, e.g. Nobis hoc videtur difficile.

Homework for Thursday, September 19, 2024.

1) Review these two video: Present Passive Indicative Future Passive Indicative Turn your notes in on Thursday, Graded Ass.

2) Complete all exercises and sentences on page 1 to 6 of Passive Voice in the Present System. HW grade.

2) For Wednesday finish reading and translating the last paragraph of Rome’s Rex Quartus, Ancus Marcius. Be able to read and translate in class. The Purple sheet on the morphology and syntax of this story will be due on Friday.

3) Things to keep reviewing for 1st quarter test: a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns.


Homework for Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

1) The New Thing: The Passive Voice in the Present System Tenses. Watch the two green videos below. Take and make beautiful and colorful notes for both videoes and recite forms aloud. Notes are due on Tuesday.

Present Passive Indicative Future Passive Indicative

2) For Monday finish reading and translating the reading on Rome’s Rex Quartus, Ancus Marcius. Be able to read and translate in class. The Purple sheet on the morphology and syntax of this story will be due on Wednesday.

3) Things to keep reviewing for 1st quarter test: a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns.


Homework for Friday, September 13, 2024.

1) Morphological review quiz on verbal morphology in the same format as exercises in Rabbit Quiz on Verbal Morphology. Do not neglect irregular verbs: sum, possum, fero, fio, eo, volo, nolo.

2) Things to keep reviewing for 1st quarter test: a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um.


Homework for Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

1) The New Thing: The Passive Voice in the Present System Tenses. Watch the two green videos below. Take and make beautiful and colorful notes for both videoes and recite forms aloud. Notes are due on Tuesday.

Present Passive Indicative Future Passive Indicative

2) Finish reading and translating the reading in Rome’s Rex Quartus, Ancus Marcius. Be able to read and translate in class.

3) Things to keep reviewing for 1st quarter test: a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. d) 4th and 5th declension nouns.


Homework for Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

1) Complete English to Latin sentences (Pronominal Pleasure for One Sailor) 1, 2, 3, 4 and turn in at beginning of class. Make sure that your penmanship is legible to my aging eyes. Click here for vocabulary for each sentence.

2) Finish and bring translation of Horatius Slays his Sister. See the preceding page for vocabulary germane to this story. Be prepared to translate in class without using your prepared translation.

3) Quiz on vocabulary list (page 1 and 2) for the Horatii et Curiatii. It has a pinus, -us (f) on page 1. Quiz on this list on Tuesday, September 10. The pictures will be the same as on 4th and 5th declension quiz. Value 50-80 points.

4) Things to keep reviewing for 1st quarter test: a) UNUS NAUTA words; b) declensions of all nouns and adjectives, including hic, ille, ipse, is, iste; c) genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um.


Homework for Thursday, September 5, 2024.

1) Complete all sentences on pages 2-3 of Pronominal Adjectives (UNUS NAUTA words). This is a 6 page purple handout. HW grade.

2) Quiz on UNUS NAUTA words, like we did for practice in class with some added application, such as alii currunt, alii volant. Alia rana in aliā arbore sedet.

3) The NEW THING: Watch this video and take notes on the genitive with words like memor, memoris and obitus, a, um. Notes are due on Thursday. Graded.

4) Read/write out a translation of Horatius Slays his Sister. See the preceding page for vocabulary germane to this story. Be prepared to translate in class without using your prepared translation.

5) Quiz on vocabulary list (page 1 and 2) for the Horatii et Curiatii. It has a pinus, -us (f) on page 1. Quiz on this list on Tuesday, September 10. The picture will be the same as on 4th and 5th declension quiz.


Homework for Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

1) The NEW THING: Unus Nauta Pronominal Adjectives.

a) Review notes from class and then watch this video and take notes. Make notes organized, pretty, colorful and coherent. Turn in notes on Tuesday. Graded Ass.

b) Complete sentences A. and B. on page two of the UNUS NAUTA Words handout from Thursday’s class. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

2) Read/write out a translation of Horatius Slays his Sister. See the preceding page for vocabulary germane to this story.

3) Quiz on vocabulary list (page 1 and 2) for the Horatii et Curiatii. It has a pinus, -us (f) on page 1. Quiz on this list on Thursday, September 6. The picture will be the same as on 4th and 5th declension quiz.

4) Old but review and bring all of translation of the Horatii et Curiatii to the end (all five paragraphs). See vocabulary list for help and/or use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ to look up words. Watch this video on Davide’s Oath of the Horatii and take notes. See painting below.


Homework for Thursday, August 29, 2024.

1) REVIEW and finish all of translation of the Horatii et Curiatii to the end (all five paragraphs). See vocabulary list for help and/or use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ to look up words. Watch this video on Davide’s Oath of the Horatii and take notes. See painting below.

2) Declension fun QUIZ in DECLENSION FUN on Thursday with all five declensions. I will use ille, illa, illud as the -ius variation adjective in this quiz. VALUE 40 points.

3) Old but Bring completed page 2, numbers 1-20 of Declension Fun - Horatii et Curatii + TEMPUS so we can correct this prior to the quiz.

4) Complete page 4 of Bellicose Bunnies Conquer Nominal….. (it is pink with picture of handsome frogs). Here is the link to logeion to look up vocabulary. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ or ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ APP for IPHONE\

5) Begin learning the vocabulary list (page 1 and 2) for the Horatii et Curiatii. It has a pinus, -us (f) on page 1. Quiz on this list on Tuesday, September 4,


Homework for Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

1) Read/write out a translation of the Horatii et Curiatii to the end (all five paragraphs). See vocabulary list for help and/or use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ to look up words. Watch this video on Davide’s Oath of the Horatii and take notes. See painting below.

2) Short morphological quiz on the paradigms of 4th and 5th declension nouns. Fourth Declension Nouns:  Masculine and Feminine    &    Neuter Fifth Declension Nouns

2.5) Complete page 2, numbers 1-20 of Declension Fun - Horatii et Curatii + TEMPUS. Quiz in the same format on Thursday with all five declensions.

3) Complete pages 3 (should already be finished) of Bellicose Bunnies Conquer Nominal….. (it is pink with picture of handsome frogs). Here is the link to logeion to look up vocabulary. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ or ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ APP for IPHONE\

4) Begin learning the vocabulary list (page 1 and 2) for the Horatii et Curiatii. It has a pinus, -us (f) on page 1. Quiz on this list 10 days but start learning as soon as you can.


Oath of the Horatii

Agenda for Thursday, August 22, 2024.

1) Study notes from today’s class and then watch these videos to consolidate your knowledge of 4th and 5th declension nouns. Recites forms aloud and dance as if you are Ronakius Magnus. Fourth Declension Nouns:  Masculine and Feminine    &    Neuter Fifth Declension Nouns

2) Complete page numbers 2-10 of A. of Declension Fun - Horatii et Curate + TEMPUS. See pink paradigms or back of Wheelock if you need help.

3) Complete pages 1, 2, 3 of Bellicose Bunnies Conquer Nominal….. (it is pink with picture of handsome frogs). Here is the link to logeion to look up vocabulary. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ or ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ APP for IPHONE\

4) Email me with questions and complaints.


Agenda for Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

1) Overview of Latin II with a little Roman History and Geography

2) Syntax Review with Dragon Sentence: What three forms of agreement exist in the Latin Language?

3) Declension Review. Start with declensions 1, 2, 3. Here are videos to help. Recite the paradigms aloud magnā voce.

4) Email me with questions.

5) Read and write out a translation for the new story, Horatii et Curiatii.

6) Declension Review: a) Start reviewing all declensions of nouns and adjectives. . Here are videos to help. Recite the paradigms aloud maximā voce. b) Complete page one of Practice Quiz: Declension Fun with Sexy Drago  

7) Review the English to Latin sentence completed in class. What three forms of syntactic agreement exist in Latin? What is the difference between an infinitive and a finite verb? What is a substantive? What are appositive nouns?

Homework & Agenda for Tuesday, May 14, 2024

1) If Everett loses his protasis, an apodosis will eat Madin.

2) Vocabulary list for the Matron of Ephesus. Quiz on Tuesday, May 14. Verb game on the back with all tenses of the subjunctive mood. See pages follow the quiz for exam practices morphology.

3) Read/translate/prepare the Matron of Ephesus from line 60-78. This is crucial for the final exam.

4) Start review for the final exam. Review all paradigms in pink (nouns/adjective/pronouns) and in green (verbs) handouts. Email if you need this.

Homework & Agenda for Thursday, May 9, 2024

1) What is protasis? What is an apodosis? If a protasis attacked James B., Anish would kill it with his own shapely apodosis.

1,5) Review what we read in class of the Matron of Ephesus. Expect an unannounced quiz and this story will be prominent on the final exam.

2) Read/translate/prepare the Matron of Ephesus from line 50-64.

3) Complete all sentences in Exam Review Sentences of Genitival Genius. I will ask to see these complete.

4) Begin learning the new vocabulary list for the Matron of Ephesus. Quiz on Tuesday, May 14. Verb game on the back with all tenses of the subjunctive mood.

Homework & Agenda for Tuesday, May 7, 2024

1) Read/translate/prepare the Matron of Ephesus from line 34-56 (end of the 5th and 6th page of text).

2) Complete the double sided assignment on the genitive case. Use the 8 page case syntax handout to help with this.

3) Review this video on the gerund and gerundive take highly detailed and shapely notes. Due Tuesday.

5) Begin learning the new vocabulary list for the Matron of Ephesus. Quiz on Friday, May 10.

Homework & Agenda for Tuesday, April 30, 2024

1) Read/translate/prepare the Matron of Ephesus from line 24-33 (end of the 4th page of text).

2) Watch this video on the gerund and gerundive take highly detailed and shapely notes. Due Tuesday.

3) Review notes on the Gerund from class and finish the Gerund - English to Latin Sentences.

4) Test (200 points) on Thursday, May 2 on subjunctive morphology - four tenses including irregular verbs and uses of the subjunctive mood that we have learned: a) cum and cum clauses : a.i) jussive/hortatory; b) purpose classes with ut, ne, quo and qui, quae, quod; c) result clauses (know anticipatory words and negatives); d) indirect command; e) indirect questions; f) three relative clauses with the subjunctive mood (purpose, characteristic, attraction in indirect discourse). g) deliberative subjunctive. h) Review also indirect statement (not subjunctive). Review readings, especially with uses of the subjunctive.

5) Begin learning the new vocabulary list for the Matron of Ephesus. Quiz in one week.

HW and Agenda for Thursday, April 25, 2024

1) QUIZ on Matron of Ephesus from line 1 to 23 (end of the 3rd page of text). Know case syntax, infinitives, subjunctives and participles. Also give attention to coordinating conjunctions and postpositive words such as autem, igitur, ergo.

2) Complete FOR FRIDAY English to Latin sentences 9, 10, 11 and 12. I have sent a new copy to your email with added vocabulary on pages 5 and 6

3) Review notes on the Gerund from class.

3) Test on Tuesday, April 30 on a) all uses of cum and cum clauses : a.i) jussive/hortatory; b) purpose classes with ut, ne, quo and qui, quae, quod; c) result clauses (know anticipatory words and negatives); d) indirect command; e) indirect questions; f) three relative clauses with the subjunctive mood (purpose, characteristic, attraction in indirect discourse). g) deliberative subjunctive. h) indirect statement (not subjunctive). Review readings, especially with uses of the subjunctive.

6) Bring the Ass. of Caesar reading to class.

HW and Agenda for Tuesday, April 23, 2024

1) Translate and be well-prepared to read the Matron of Ephesus down to line 23 (end of the 3rd page of text).

2) Complete English to Latin sentences 5, 6, 7, 8 . I have sent a new copy to your email with added vocabulary on pages 5 and 6

3) Test on April 23 on a) all uses of cum and cum clauses : a.i) jussive/hortatory; b) purpose classes with ut, ne, quo and qui, quae, quod; c) result clauses (know anticipatory words and negatives); d) indirect command; e) indirect questions; f) three relative clauses with the subjunctive mood (purpose, characteristic, attraction in indirect discourse). g) deliberative subjunctive. h) indirect statement (not subjunctive). Review readings, especially with uses of the subjunctive.

6) Bring the Ass. of Caesar reading to class.

Agenda for Tuesday, April 16, 2024

1) On Tuesday valuable quiz on subjunctive morphology of all conjugations for regular verbs, 8 irregular verbs(eo, sum, possum, malo, volo, nolo, fero, fio) and deponent verbs. There will be a verb game on this quiz.

2) Read Wheelock Pages 255-6 and then complete all THREE sentences on page 3 of Test Preparation: Cum & Caesar. Cum Circumstantial Cum Causal and Concessive

3) Read and write out a translation for The Matron of Epheseus lines 1-7 - the first paragraph. Be able to read and translate this in class. You one handout with text and one with text + vocabulary to help. Email if you need this.

4) Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, April 18 on the Subjunctive Vocabulary list.

5) Test on April 23 on a) all uses of cum and cum clauses : a.i) jussive/hortatory; b) purpose classes with ut, ne, quo and qui, quae, quod; c) result clauses (know anticipatory words and negatives); d) indirect command; e) indirect questions; f) three relative clauses with the subjunctive mood (purpose, characteristic, attraction in indirect discourse). g) deliberative subjunctive. h) indirect statement (not subjunctive).

6) Bring the Ass. of Caesar reading to class.

Agenda for Tuesday, April 9, 2024

1) Finish the third reading selection (Vergil, Georgicon) on pages two of Sol, Eclipses and Apotheosis.

2) Complete all exercises on pages 2 and 3 of Cum Clause Handout.

3) Read/study page 1 of Cum Clause Handout.

4) Watch these two videos and take detailed notes that include all examples. Notes are due on Thursday. a) Cum Circumstantial b) Cum Causal and Concessive

4) Review these two reading prior to class so you can translate and discuss with fluency:

a) The Assassination of Caesar to the end. Be well prepared to read in class.

b) Roma Aeterna down to line 52.

2) Keep learning vocabulary list for Subjunctive mood. The syntax of words is especially important. Quiz with a verb game on the back following spring break. Quiz on Tuesday, April 16.

3) Test coming soon on all subjunctive morphology (4 tenses) including irregular verbs and the following subjunctive syntax: a) jussive/hortatory; b) purpose classes with ut, ne, quo and qui, quae, quod; c) result clauses (know anticipatory words and negatives); d) indirect command; e) indirect questions; f) three relative clauses with the subjunctive mood (purpose, characteristic, attraction in indirect discourse). g) deliberative subjunctive.

4) If you wish to get ahead or read some shapely Latin over the break work on the Matron of Ephesus.

Agenda for Tuesday, April 9, 2024

1) Review these two reading prior to class so you can translate and discuss with fluency:

a) The Assassination of Caesar to the end. Be well prepared to read in class.

b) Roma Aeterna down to line 52.

2) Keep learning vocabulary list for Subjunctive mood. The syntax of words is especially important. Quiz with a verb game on the back following spring break. Quiz on Tuesday, April 16.

3) Test coming soon on all subjunctive morphology (4 tenses) including irregular verbs and the following subjunctive syntax: a) jussive/hortatory; b) purpose classes with ut, ne, quo and qui, quae, quod; c) result clauses (know anticipatory words and negatives); d) indirect command; e) indirect questions; f) three relative clauses with the subjunctive mood (purpose, characteristic, attraction in indirect discourse). g) deliberative subjunctive.

4) If you wish to get ahead or read some shapely Latin over the break work on the Matron of Ephesus.

Agenda for Tuesday, March 26, 2024

1) Review notes from class on indirect discourse and relative clauses with the subjunctive mood.

2) Complete the CAV practice test for Tuesday and self-correct prior to class.

3) Quiz on blue vocabulary list on Tuesday, March 26 on this list with a verb game on the back with all the all tenses of the subjunctive mood.

3) Old but bring: a) Complete pages 2-3 of Subjunctive Morphology - All Tenses. b) all sentences on pages 2 and 3 of Indirect Command and Jussive Noun Clause.

4) Review and finish preparing/reading/translating The Assassination of Caesar to the end. Be well prepared to read in class. Be well-prepared to read/translate Roma Aeterna down to line 52.

5) Keep learning vocabulary list for Subjunctive mood. The syntax of words is especially important. Quiz with a verb game on the back following spring break.

Agenda for Thursday, March 21, 2024

Start learning the blue vocabulary list. Quiz on Tuesday, March 25 on this list.

1) Subjunctive Work:

a) Review notes from class on uses of the subjunctive mood especially Indirect Commands (ut/ne + subjunctive) and relative clauses with the subjunctive mood. Then watch this video on the relative clause of charactistic and take notes

b) Complete pages 2-3 of Subjunctive Morphology - All Tenses.

c) Complete all sentences on pages 2 and 3 of Indirect Command and Jussive Noun Clause.

3) Review and finish preparing/reading/translating The Assassination of Caesar to the end. Be well prepared to read in class.

3) Be well-prepared to read/translate Roma Aeterna down to line 52.

4) Keep learning vocabulary list for Subjunctive mood. The syntax of words is especially important. Quiz with a verb game on the back following spring break.

Agenda for Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Review what we completed in class on the Assassination of Caesar by Suetonius

1) Quiz on Result Clause and Subjunctive Morphology, featuring the perfect active and passive subjuntive. Make sure that you have complete pages 1 and 4 of the handout titled The Dirt on Result Clauses. Review videos notes and turn in if you have not yet done so. Result Clauses

2) Watch this video on Indirect Commands (ut/ne + subjunctive) and take detailed notes.

3) Be well-prepared to read/translate Roma Aeterna down to line 52.

3) Finish assignment for this video on the chronology of Roman history and turn in all on Tuesday. Write major events on the time line (enlarged paper) and put the places on the map mentioned in the video. This will be a graded assignment and neatness is essential.

4) Start learning vocabulary list for Subjunctive mood. The syntax of words is especially important. Quiz with a verb game on the back on Tuesday March 25.

Agenda for Tuesday, March 11, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Two New Subjunctive things. Watch these two videos and take notes, detailed, shapely and colorful of course. Notes are due on Tuesday.

Result Clauses Perfect Subjunctive Active and Passive

2) Read and translate Roma Aeterna down to line 52. See new handout for text and vocabulary. Email if you need this. You should have most of this already finished by you may wish to review it. We will read through this quickly one Tuesday.

3) Watch this video on the chronology of Roman history (1st 10 minutes for Tuesday, 2nd alf for Thursday) and write major events on the time line (enlarged paper) and put the places mentioned in the video on the map on the back of the time line. This will be a graded assignment and neatness is essential.

4) Start learning vocabulary list for Subjunctive mood. The syntax of words is especially important. Quiz in 7-8 days.

Agenda for Thursday, March 7, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Complete sentences 4, 5, 6 of Shapely Subjunctive Sentences. Period 2 should see email for a version with added vocabulary.

2) Complete the assignment for Aeolus and Juno. And turn in at the beginning of class on Thursday. WORK INDEPENDENTLY on this assignment. Graded Ass. 60-80 points. Email me with questions or come to 330 on Monday or Wednesday.

3) Use key to correct pages 2 and 4 of Morphological mouse on present and imperfect subjunctive and study for a short quiz on Thursday on the present and imperfect subjunctive morphology with a verb game.

4) Old but bring: Finish page FOUR of First Subjunctive Assignment - Jussive/Hortatory and Purpose. Use pages 5-6 to help with your answers. Period 2 should see their emaill for this assignment

5) Be prepared to read Roma Aeterna down to line 35. Email if you need this.

6) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Friday March 8th. Value 250 points. Review indirect statement, comparative and superlative adjectives (yellow handout) and adverbs (green handout), deponent verbs, subjunctive things all stories read in the 3rd quarter - the Perseus and Belua, Catullus 5, Death of Ajax; Aeolus & Juno etc; Subjunctive morphology for present and imperfect tenses including irregular verbs; Review uses of infinitives and relative tense.

Agenda for Friday, March 1, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Complete pages 2 and 4 of Superior Subjunctive mouse.

2) Complete sentences 1,2,3 of Shapely Subjunctive Sentences. Period 2 should see email for a version with added vocabulary.

3) Finish page FOUR of First Subjunctive Assignment - Jussive/Hortatory and Purpose. Use pages 5-6 to help with your answers. Period 2 should see their emaill for this assignment

4) Reading to be prepared for

a) Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode from line 62-75 (the end). Be well prepared to translate in class.

b) Roma Aeterna down to line 35. Email if you need this.

4) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Thursday March 7th. Value 250 points. Review indirect statement, comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, deponent verbs, subjunctive things all stories read in the 3rd quarter.

Agenda for Thursday, February 29, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Watch this video on the imperfect active subjunctive and say forms aloud.

2) Complete pages 1-4 of First Subjunctive Assignment - Jussive/Hortatory and Purpose. Use pages 5-6 to help with your answers. Period 2 should see their emaill for this assignment

3) Reading to be prepared for

a) Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode from line 62-75 (the end). Be well prepared to translate in class.

b) Roma Aeterna down to line 35. Email if you need this.

4) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Thursday March 7th. Value 250 points. Review indirect statement, comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, deponent verbs, subjunctive things all stories read in the 3rd quarter.

Agenda for Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Watch these videos and take detailed notes. Notes are due on Tuesday. Include all examples.

Jussive/Hortatory Subjunctive Purpose Clause

2) Readings to have finished and well-reviewed to translate orally in class on Tuesday.

a) Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode from line 50-64. Be well prepared to translate in class.

b) Roma Aeterna down to line 35. Email if you need this.

c) Catullus 5 (Vivamus mea Lesbia…)

3) Quiz for the grade book on the morphology of the present subjunctive, including 8 irregular verbs and translate of subjunctive Jussive/hortatory, purpose clause and indirect question. Watch this video to review.

4) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test on Thursday March 7th. Value 200 points.

Agenda for Thursday, February 22, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

Jussive/Hortatory Subjunctive

1) Reading to have finished and well review to translate orally in class on Tuesday.

a) Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode from line 50-64. Be well prepared to translate in class.

b) Roma Aeterna down to line 35. Email if you need this.

2) Review notes from class on the subjunctive mood - both concepts and morphology. Complete all exercises in the new handout on page 3, 4, 5. For 8th period page five is seperate.

3) Short quiz on the morphology of the present subjunctive.

4) The NEW Thing; Watch this video and precise, shapely and holy detailed notes that include all forms and examples. Value 30-40 points. Due at the beginning of class on Thursday

5) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test.

Agenda for Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) The NEW Thing; Watch this video and precise, shapely and holy detailed notes that include all forms and examples. Value 30-40 points. Due at the beginning of class on Tuesday.

2) Reading to have finished and well review to translate orally in class on Tuesday.

a) Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode from line 50-64. Be well prepared to translate in class.

b) Roma Aeterna down to line 35. Email if you need this.

4) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test.

Agenda for Friday, February 16, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Vocabulary quiz on deponent verb list on Friday, Feb. 16 with a deponent verb game. Which ones are head verbs? Which ones govern the ablative case? What syntax follows fido, fidere, fisus sum?

2) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test.

3) Read and prepare the new story (email ifyou need it) titled Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode, LINES 50 to 57 for Thursday.

Agenda for Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) The NEW Thing; Watch this video and precise, shapely and holy detailed notes that include all forms and examples. Value 30-40 points. Due at the beginning of class on Tuesday.

2) Reading to have finished and well review to translate orally in class on Tuesday.

a) Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode from line 50-64. Be well prepared to translate in class.

b) Roma Aeterna down to line 35. Email if you need this.

4) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test.

Agenda for Thursday, February 15, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Read and prepare the new story (email ifyou need it) titled Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode, LINES 50 to 57 for Thursday.

2) Complete sentences 2-8 of Deponent Fun for Bunnies. Period 2 should see email for a new version with added vocabulary. Graded Ass.

3) Begin learning the two sided list of deponent verbs for a quiz on Friday, Feb. 16 with a verb game. Which ones are head verbs? Which ones govern the ablative case? What syntax follows fido, fidere, fisus sum?

4) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test.

Agenda for Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Finish preparing/reading/translating The Death of Ajax from line 39-49. Be well prepared to translate in class.

2) Complete the Deponent Assignment. See your email for this document. You can write your answers on another paper, if you can not print it. You may wish to rewatch this video on the deponents that govern the ablative case Graded Ass.

3) Begin learning the two sided list of deponent verbs for a quiz on Friday, Feb. 16 with a verb game. Which ones are head verbs? Which ones govern the ablative case? What syntax follows fido, fidere, fisus sum?

4) Start reviewing for 3rd quarter test.

Agenda for Friday, February 9, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Finish preparing/reading/translating The Death of Ajax from line 39-49. Be well prepared to translate in class.

2) Morphological Monkey quiz for the grade book on deponent verbs in the same format as pages 5, 6, 7, 8, of Notes & Exercises on Deponent Verbs, i.e. a verb game and English to Latin and Latin to English for individual verbs. 40-50 points. You may use your vocabulary list for deponent verbs.

3) Watch this video on the deponents that govern the ablative case. Turn in notes at beginning of class on Friday.

Agenda for Thursday, February 8, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Crucial and Essential Work on Deponets:

a) Review notes from class and study for short QUIZ pages one and two of my handout titled Notes & Exercises on Deponent Verbs. The quiz will ask you about the six things that you need to know about deponent verbs (& semideponents). For the quiz also learn the 3 principal parts of one deponent for each conjugation and semi deponent verb.

b) Complete all exercises and verbs games on pages 5, 6, 7, 8, of Notes & Exercises on Deponent Verbs. HW grade.

c) Watch this video on the deponents that govern the ablative case. Turn in notes at beginning of class.

d) Begin learning the vocabulary list for deponent verbs. Quiz in one week.

2) Finish preparing/reading/translating The Death of Ajax from line 39-49. Be well prepared to translate in class.

Agenda for Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Finish preparing/reading/translating The Death of Ajax from line 39-49. Be well prepared to translate in class.

2) The New and Important Thing is DEPONENT verbs. Watch this video from beginning to end and take detailed and precise notes with all Latin examples included. Due at the beginning of class on Tuesday. 30-40 points.

3) Quiz on ADVERBS: positive, comparative and superlative. Study questions, sentences and notes from class and especially the Green thing. The first 10 minutes of this weird and annoying and optional video may be useful for reinforcement of forms.

Agenda for Thursday, January 31, 2024

Here is the link to pay for the National Latin Exam ($6.00) and The Classical Association Exam ($3.00), which you will take soon. Please see to this as soon as you can.

1) Quiz on ADVERBS: positive, comparative and superlative. Study questions and notes from class and especially the Green thing. The first 10 minutes of this weird and annoying and optional video may be useful for reinforcement of forms.

2) Complete and turn The Highly Difficult Ass. on the Belua and Perseus. Graded Ass. 50-80 points. See me at lunch if you need help with anything.          

Agenda for Tuesday, January 29, 2024

1) Complete page 2, 3, 4 of the handout Adverbs: Positive, Comparative & Superlative Adverbs. See green sheet for help with this. I will ask to see this on Tuesday.

2) Complete sentences English to Latin 2, 3, 4, 5 on Adverbial Adventures. Type your answer if penmanship is lacking. Here is vocabulary to help. interior, ius (part. adj.)     domus, -us (f)       exterior, -ius           eo, ire     imus, a, um forum, -i (n)            see green sheet for “to this place”      alius, alia, aliud domus, -us (f)    videor, videri, visus sum - to seem to  specto (1) to watch, look at    procul (adv.) for a distance     longus, a, um      mons, montis (m)       nullus, a, um    alius, alia, aliud       etiam (adv.) even   colo, colere, colui, cultus - to worship   dea, deae (f)        fero, ferre, tuli, latus      donum, doni (n) gift    templum, -i (n)   celer, celeris, celere               poeta, -ae (m)         more = plus          mortalis, mortale oculus, -i (m)               

3) Quiz (e pluribus unum) on page one and two of Belua vs Perseus (Pars Secunda). This quiz will ask you to give the morphology and syntax of individual words and phrases and then to translate them into English. Similar format to the last test. Value 50-60 points.

Agenda for Friday, January 27, 2023

1) Complete page 2 of the handout with comparative and superlative ADVERBS.

2) Quiz on the formation of comparative and superlative adverbs in the same format as Thursday page 1 handout. N.B. irregular ones. Value 40-50 points.

2) Finish reading all of page 2 of Belua vs Perseus (Pars Secunda) and be prepare to read it orally on class on Thursday from the beginning without looking at your prepared translation.

Agenda for Thursday, January 25, 2023

1) Complete English to Latin Sentence number 2 in Comparative Success for Superlative Bunnies. Use map below the sentence to help geography. manus, manus (f) band of men. Type your answer if handwriting is not clear and turn in at the beginning of the class. Value 50 points. Work independently. All outline programs are forbidden. Sign pledge. Here is some vocabulary.

  verbum, -i (n)    audio (4)    bellatrix, bellatricis (f)  fio, fieri, factus sum - to become   certus, a, um - certain  fio, fieri, factus sum + certior + accusative subject + infinitive acer, acris, acre    venio, venire, veni, venturus     fortis, forte - brave     provincia, -ae (f)  lux, lucis (f)        iter, itineris (n) march/journey   legio, legionis (f) legion    scio (1)    nullus, a, um       miles, militis (m)     celeritas, celeritatis (f)    

2) Finish reading all of page 2 of Belua vs Perseus (Pars Secunda) and be prepare to read it orally on class on Thursday from the beginning without looking at your prepared translation.

Agenda for Tuesday, January 23, 2023

1) Review the yellow thing on comparative and superlative adjective and Complete all sentences in Comparative & Superlative Animals numbers 1-24. SEE YOUR EMAIL FOR A NEW COPY with a few added sentences. Most of these should already be finished.

2) Read/translate the page from the Cattus Petasatus with Maius et Minus. You have this attached to something but I have also put a copy in your email See vocabulary at bottom the picture. Be able to read and translation at the beginning of class on Tuesday.

3) Review all of the first page of Belua vs Perseus (Pars Secunda) and prepare to read it orally on class on Tuesday from the beginning without looking at your prepared translation.

4) Watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Notes are due on Tuesday.

Partitive Genitive/Genitive of the Whole Partitive Adjectives (primus, summus, medius, etc.)

Agenda for Thursday, January 18, 2023

1) Quiz on the wretched yellow handout with comparative and superlative adjectives. Know both regular and irregular ones and the paradigm of the comparative adjective.

2) Complete all (1-15) Latin to English sentences in handout titled Comparative & Superlative Animals.

3) Review what we read in class of Belua vs Perseus (Pars Secunda) and bring to class on Tuesday.

4) For Thursday, January 18 watch these two videos. Take detailed notes with all examples and organize into a beautiful and useful formate. Graded Ass. Turn in on Thursday.

Comparison with QUAM Ablative of Comparison

5) Related Topics:

Partitive Genitive/Genitive of the Whole Partitive Adjectives (primus, summus, medius, etc.)

Agenda for Tuesday, January 16, 2023

1) Review Wheelock’s Latin Chapter XXVII and watch these two videos and take detailed notes. Include all examples in your notes. Notes are due on Tuesday. Value 40 points.

Comparative Adjectives Superlative Adjectives

2) Complete English to Latin sentences 3, 4, 5 in handout titled Comparative Sentences for Superlative Bunnies. See email for a copy with added vocabulary.

3) Complete all (1-15) Latin to English sentences in handout titled Comparative & Superlative Animals.

4) Begin learning all forms and words on the bright yellow two sided handout. Quiz on this material on Thursday, January 18.

5) Review what we read in class of Belua vs Perseus (Pars Secunda) and bring to class on Tuesday.

6) For Thursday, January 18 watch these two videos. Take detailed notes with all examples and organize into a beautiful and useful formate.

Comparison with QUAM Ablative of Comparison

7) Related Topics:

Partitive Genitive/Genitive of the Whole Partitive Adjectives (primus, summus, medius, etc.)

Agenda for Friday, January 12, 2023

1) QUIZ on the list of verbs associated with infinitives with Impersonal Verbs (placet, licet, oportet, etc.) and HEAD VERBS. Make sure that you know special syntax for some verbs. Verb game on the back.

2) Read Wheelock’s Latin Chapter XXVII and then watch the first 14 minutes of this slightly weird but useful video and take notes.

Agenda for Tuesday, January 9, 2023

1) On Thursday, January 11 QUIZ on the horizontal list of verbs associated with infinitives with Impersonal Verbs (placet, licet, oportet, etc.) and HEAD VERBS. Quiz on Wednesday, December 20. Verb game on the back.

2) Our first topic of the new year with be comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs which are covered in Wheelock’s Latin, Chapters XXVI and XXVII.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, December 19, 2023

1) Consolidation Test on Tuesday, December 19. Value 200 points. See you email for the study guide. Similar format to last test. Stories/readings will be significant. See also your email for a new copy of UPPER level case usage/syntax with the one that you should know checked. EMAIL me with questions prior to test. James B. est maximus et optimus omnium!.

2) Start learning the horizontal list of verbs associated with infinitives with Impersonal Verbs (placet, licet, oportet, etc.) and HEAD VERBS. Quiz on Wednesday, December 20. Verb game on the back.

Agenda/HW for Thursday, December 14, 2023

Consolidation Test on Tuesday, December 19. Value 200 points. Study topics in Wheelock, chapters XXIII, XXIV and XXV, syntax of the ablative case (prepositions, accompaniment, source, respect, ablative absolute, time when, time within which, place where at, places from where, personal agent, manner, means/instrument). The test will also cover Orpheus et Eurydice, Etiology of Snakes in Desert and Andromeda et Belua. + verb game.

1) Finish reading and translating all of Perseus, Andromeda et Belua (Pars Prima).

2) Read green handout on Impersonal Verbs (placet, licet, oportet, etc.) and study notes from the board form Tuesday’s class. Review also the selection from Cattus Petasatus.

3)Use the key provided to correct sentences 1-4 on page two in the handout (period 8 has green copy of these sentences with vocabulary, period 2 should see their email) and the complete for Thursday sentences 5-8 in the same handout as the key above. Due Thursday.

3) Start learning the horizontal list of verbs associated with infinitives with impersonal verbs and HEAD VERBS. Quiz on Friday, December 15.

4) Old but bring: Review/finish all of ORPHEUS ET EURYDICE. Watch this video on this story. We will finally finish this on Thursday. Be able to read/translate in class without using your translation. Agenda/HW for Thursday, December 7, 2023

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Consolidation Test on Tuesday, December 19. Value 200 points. Study topics in Wheelock, chapters XXIII, XXIV and XXV, syntax of the ablative case (prepositions, accompaniment, source, respect, ablative absolute, time when, time within which, place where at, places from where, personal agent, manner, means/instrument). The test will also cover Orpheus et Eurydice, Etiology of Snakes in Desert and Andromeda et Belua. + verb game.

1) Verb Game quiz including all infinitives.

1.5) Complete the assignment for Perseus, Andromeda et Belua. Work independently on this and sign pledge. Turn in on Tuesday.

2) Review Wheelock’s Latin, CAPVT XXV, pages 201-4 and then complete sentences 1-4 on page two in the handout (period 8 has green copy of these sentences with vocabulary, period 2 should see their email) beginning with a verb game on video, videre. SEE your email for a new copy with much added vocabulary. Due Tuesday.

3) Start learning the horizontal list of verbs associated with infinitives with impersonal verbs and HEAD VERBS. Quiz on Friday, December 15.

3) Old but turn in on Tuesday Watch this video on Relative Tense in Indirect Statement (Head Verb + Accusative Subject + Infinitive) and take detail notes with all examples included. Read Wheelock’s Latin, CAPVT XXV, pages 201-4. What is a “HEAD VERB”? Turn in notes in from the video above at the beginning of class on Friday.

4) Reading to have prepared for class:

a) Finish Perseus, Andromeda et Belua down to line 683 (fuisset). Be able to read and translate in class.

b) Review/finish all of ORPHEUS ET EURYDICE. Watch this video on this story. We will finally finish this on Thursday. Be able to read/translate in class without using your translation. Agenda/HW for Thursday, December 7, 2023

Agenda/HW for Friday, December 8, 2023

Consolidation Test on Tuesday, December 19. Value 200 points. Study topics in Wheelock, chapters XXIII, XXIV and XXV, syntax of the ablative case (prepositions, accompaniment, source, respect, ablative absolute, time when, time within which, place where at, places from where, personal agent, manner, means/instrument). The test will also cover Orpheus et Eurydice, Etiology of Snakes in Desert and Andromeda et Belua. + verb game.

1) Watch this video on Relative Tense in Indirect Statement (Head Verb + Accusative Subject + Infinitive) and take detail notes with all examples included. Read Wheelock’s Latin, CAPVT XXV, pages 201-4. What is a “HEAD VERB”? Turn in notes in from the video above at the beginning of class on Friday.

2) Complete page four (final page) of handout with fero, ferre verb game with an Apis Mellifera. This page has a picture of Ursa Maior et Minor on it and involves a Mus.

3) Reading to have prepared for class:

a) Finish the first 8 lines of Perseus, Andromeda et Belua.

b) Review/finish all of ORPHEUS ET EURYDICE. Watch this video on this story. We will finally finish this on Thursday. Be able to read/translate in class without using your translation. Agenda/HW for Thursday, December 7, 2023

Agenda/HW for Thursday, December 7, 2023

1) Crucial and Essential Work on Infinitives to be done in the order below:

a) Review notes from class, watch this video and take beautiful/colorful notes and complete page one of Morphology of Latin Infinitives for Rabbits of Infinite Genius & Madin/Anish.

b) Read Wheelock’s Latin, CAPVT XXV, pages 201-4. What is a “HEAD VERB”?

c) Complete pages two and three of Morphology of Latin Infinitives for Rabbits of Infinite Genius & Anish. What is a complementary infinitive? What is a subjective infinitive? What three things comprise Indirect Statement in Latin? What case forms the subject on an infinitive?

d) Turn in notes in from the video above at the beginning of class on Thursday.

3) Reading to have prepared for class:

a) Finish the first 8 lines of Perseus, Andromeda et Belua.

b) Review/finish all of ORPHEUS ET EURYDICE. Watch this video on this story. We will finally finish this on Thursday. Be able to read/translate in class without using your translation.

Agenda/HW for Friday, December 8, 2023

Consolidation Test on Tuesday, December 19. Value 200 points. Study topics in Wheelock, chapters XXIII, XXIV and XXV, syntax of the ablative case (prepositions, accompaniment, source, respect, ablative absolute, time when, time within which, place where at, places from where, personal agent, manner, means/instrument). The test will also cover Orpheus et Eurydice, Etiology of Snakes in Desert and Andromeda et Belua. + verb game.

1) Watch this video on Relative Tense in Indirect Statement (Head Verb + Accusative Subject + Infinitive) and take detail notes with all examples included. Read Wheelock’s Latin, CAPVT XXV, pages 201-4. What is a “HEAD VERB”? Turn in notes in from the video above at the beginning of class on Friday.

2) Complete page four (final page) of handout with fero, ferre verb game with an Apis Mellifera. This page has a picture of Ursa Maior et Minor on it and involves a Mus.

3) Reading to have prepared for class:

a) Finish the first 8 lines of Perseus, Andromeda et Belua.

b) Review/finish all of ORPHEUS ET EURYDICE. Watch this video on this story. We will finally finish this on Thursday. Be able to read/translate in class without using your translation.

Agenda/HW for Tuesday, December 5, 2023

1) Quiz on the ablative case (morphology and syntax - see your notes for the full list of ablative uses) and especially the ablative absolute. Review also participles, ablative of personal agent, dative of agent and the passive periphrastic. Value 70-80 points.

2) Complete and turn in English to Latin sentences 1, 2, 3 on green paper titled Absolute Ablative Adventures. See your email for a copy with copious vocabulary.

3) Review/finish all of ORPHEUS ET EURYDICE. We will finally finish this on Thursday. Be able to read/translate in class without using your translation.

Agenda for Thursday, November 30, 2023

1) Finish all sentences on pages 3, 4, 5 of Short Sentences for Bunnies, Having Been Syntactically Set Free. HW grade. Also review page 1 and 2 on the syntactical rules of the Ablative Absolute and study the notes on page 6 of this same handout. Quiz coming soon on this topic.

2) Complete pages 4, 5, 6 (two verb games and declension fun) in handout with the vocabulary list tilted Perseus vs. Participles List with Picture to Label

3) Review/finish all of ORPHEUS ET EURYDICE. We will finally finish this on Thursday. Be able to read/translate in class without using your translation.

4) Continue learning the vocabulary list on page NINE of the Four Latin Participles vs. Perseus. Quiz on Friday, December 1. A verb game on the back and I will also include pictures to label.

Agenda for Tuesday, November 28, 2023

1) Start learning the vocabulary list on page NINE of the Four Latin Participles vs. Perseus. Quiz on Thursday, November 30. A verb game on the back and I will also include pictures to label.

2) Review ablative case - morphology and syntax and study examples of Ablative Absolute from Tuesday’s class. Quiz on this material on Friday, December 1.

Make sure that I have these two graded assignments:

a) Watch this video on the ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE and take shapely and well-organized notes with all examples included. Notes are due on Tuesday and will be valued highly.

b) Complete the 3 sentences on page of on English to Latin Sentences with 4 Participles & 1 Purple Platypus. SEE YOUR EMAIL FOR THIS. Graded Ass. Sign pledge.

3) Read and write out a translation of paragraphs three and four and five and six for Orpheus et Eurydice. SEE EMAIL FOR NEW COPY. See pages 5 and 6 for the vocabulary list.

Homework for Thursday, November 16, 2023

1) More work on Participle for they are important.

a) Complete sentences 5, 6, 7 in Perseus, Medusa, Participles, Datives et Alia.

b) Make sure sentence 2 in Four Latin Participles vs.Perseus is finished.

c) Quiz on participles on Thursday - morphology but also application and syntax. Be able to elevate participle phrases into subordinate clauses with relative tense reflected in your translation. Quiz will also cover the active periphrastic and the passive periphrastic with the dative of agent. Watch this video on the dative of agent.

2) Read and write out a translation of paragraphs two and three and four for Orpheus et Eurydice. See pages 5 and 6 for the vocabulary list.

3) Start learning the vocabulary list on page NINE of the Four Latin Participles vs. Perseus. Quiz in 7 rabbit days with sexy verb game one the back.

4) Correct the mistakes on your test, especially the English to Latin sentences. Email if you would like a clean copy of the test.

Homework for Tuesday, November 14, 2023

1) Work to be done on Participles: a) read and study Wheelock’s Latin pages 184-6 and study notes from Friday’s class and blue thing with frog sacrifice; b) Watch this video on the Future Passive Participle and take notes with examples c) Complete sentences 2 and 3 and 4 on page 3-4 of Four Latin Participles vs. Perseus. d) Do not forget when to use the Dative of Agent. Watch this video on the dative of agent.

2) Read and write out a translation of paragraphs one and two for Orpheus et Eurydice. See pages 5 and 6 for the vocabulary list.

3) Start learning the vocabulary list on page NINE of the Four Latin Participles vs. Perseus. Quiz in 7 rabbit days with sexy verb game one the back.

4) Correct the mistakes on your test, especially the English to Latin sentences. Email if you would like a clean copy of the test.

Homework for Friday, November 10, 2023

1) Complete both sides of the blue assignment on participles with bovine booty. GRADED ASS. turn in at the beginning of class.

2) Make sure that you have given me your video notes on participles.

Homework for Thursday, November 9, 2023

PLEASE email with questions and complaints. Value 200-250 points.

TEST on Thursday, November 9.

Do not forget the D.D.D Double Dative

Watch this video on the dative of agent.

A. Morphology:

  1. Verbs Games with Active Passive Voice for both regular and irregular verbs (sum, possum, fio, fero, eo, volo, nolo and malo)  and FOUR PARTICIPLES (ducens/ducentis, ductus, ducturus, ducendus)

2.   Verbs to translate from Latin to English and English to Latin, including irregular ones (sum, possum, fio, fero, eo, volo, nolo and malo)

3.   Declension Fun Game with nouns declensions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 including the pure i-stem vis, vis (f) and 1st/2nd adjectives, 3rd declension adjective and demonstrative.indefinite adjectives such as (hic, ille, iste, ipse, is, idem, quidam) and present active participles which decline like ingens, ingentis.     Also: UNUS NAUTA words.

4.  Personal Pronouns:  ego, tu, nos, vos and —— sui, sibi, se, se.  Also the posessive adjective of these words:   meus, tuus, noster, vester, suus.

5. ipse, ipsa, ipsum vs. sui, sibi, se, se - intensive adjective vs. reflexive pronoun.

The Relative pronoun will be significant on this test QUI, QUAE, QUOD.

B.  Syntax/Case Usage.

  1. Conceptual Questions on Case Syntax and application (English to Latin Sentences and Latin to English sentences).   The Relative pronoun will be significant here QUI, QUAE, QUOD.   A pronoun agrees with its antecedent in ___________ and _____________. Its case is determined by ________________________________.    James B, quem haec virgo saepe mordet, est vir urbanitatis magnae.

  1. Nominative:  subject of finite verb, predicative nominative and predicative adjectives with copulative verbs, such as sum, fio, videor, etc.

  2.   Genitive:   Possessive, objective, description, partitive (nostrum/vestrum), special adjective (plenus, a, um)

  3. Dative:  Indirect Object, posessesssor, reference/interest, special verbs (pareo, impero, noceo, appropinquo, studeo, ignoso, etc.), special adjective (amicus, inimicus, carus, gratus, etc), Dative of agent with the passive periphrastic (hoc tibi agendum est = this must be done by you). Do not forget the D.D.D Double Dative. Hoc opus erit vobis voluptati. This task will be for you all for pleasure (voluptati = dative of purpose) Watch this video on the dative of agent. Hoc opus tibi agendum est. This task must be done by you. tibi = dative of agent = “by you”.

  4. Accusative: Direct Object of transitive verb, objective of certain prepositions (ob, trans, post, propter, per, prope, praeter, circum, etc.) and accusative of duration of time or expend of space (multos annos, tres dies, tres pedes, menses paucos, etc) and double accusative with verbs such as doceo, docere and oro, orare. e.g. (exempli gratiā)  =    Viva nos multas artes docebit.   “Viva will teach us many skills.”

  5. Ablative Case:  SIPSPACE prepositions and concepts, such as personal agent, place from which, place where at, ablative of accompaniment;  ablative of means/instrument (no prep.), manner, respect, and time when and time within which, such as:

nullo tempore diebus paucis                eodem tempore                uno tempore

         tempore brevi       eisdem annis        quodam tempore                anno tertio          

mensibus tribus eo ipso tempore hoc tempore    

C. Stories Read In Class (email if you need copies of these):

  1. Tarquinius Priscus

  2. The Reign and Death of Servius Tullius (2 stories)

  3. Atalanta and Hippomenes (Pars Prima and Secund)

  4. De Lucio Tarquinio Superbo (down to dederit)

i. You will be asked to translate into English but also to find and translate individual words and phrase, such as participle phrases.

ii. Find subordinate conjunction, such as ubi, priusquam, dum, postquam, quod (because), etc.

iii. Fine Post Positive Participles such as autem, enim, igitur, vero, tamen, quidem, etc.

iv.  What two words are conjoined by the enclitic conjunction -que?

v:   Adjective meaning and endings:  lente vs. celeriter     statim   etc.

vi.  Case usage/syntax and translation of the noun in context according to its case in the following formation

A.   The Noun          Case       Justification (syntax)     English Translation

        (cite other words)             (must reflect case usage)

1)     animō (line 1)       _______________ _________________     _______________

Homework for Friday, November 3, 2023

1) Quiz on participles (mostly morphology) in the same format has the chart with medusa heat and the following page.

2) I will collect notes on Friday for this video: Video on participles and take precise and detailed notes that include all examples. Turn in notes on Friday Value 40-50. I will not accept these if late.

3) Finish reading/translating DE LUCIO TARQUINIO SUPERBO (Tarquinius Superbus story) and be well prepared read/translate in class.

4) Consolidation test on Thursday, November 9. Study/review: ipse, ipsa, ipsum; qui, ——sui, sibi, se, se; quae, quod; quidam, quaedam, quoddam; Syntax of genitive and dative case; passive voice, present passive infinitives; all stories on kings of Rome and Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima and secunda). For stories focus on the morphology, syntax and translation of individual words and phrases.

Homework for Thursday, November 1, 2023

1) The New Thing: Watch this video and take precise and detailed notes that include all examples. Turn in notes on Thursday. Value 40-50. I will not accept these if late.

2) Final readings for test to have well prepared for Thursday:

a) Finish all of Atalanta et Hippomenes, Pars Secunda.

b) Finish all of Tarquinius Superbus story. You have this from a week ago or so.

3) Finish all sentences on page 2 of Test Preparation Things.

4) Consolidation test on Thursday, November 9. Study/review: ipse, ipsa, ipsum; qui, ——sui, sibi, se, se; quae, quod; quidam, quaedam, quoddam; Syntax of genitive and dative case; passive voice, present passive infinitives; all stories on kings of Rome and Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima and secunda). For stories focus on the morphology, syntax and translation of individual words and phrases.

Homework for Tuesday October 31, 2023

1) Pumpkin and Pumpkin Project Presentation are due and shall be performed. Look sharp we will take a group picture for the website and for posterity. Email with questions.

2) Finish all sentences on page 2 of Test Preparation Things.

3) Following presentations we will finish reading and translating Atalanta et Hippomenes, Pars Secunda. Everyone should have a chance to read/translate. Review if you finished this some time ago.

4) Consolidation test on Thursday, November 2. Study/review: ipse, ipsa, ipsum; qui, ——sui, sibi, se, se; quae, quod; quidam, quaedam, quoddam; Syntax of genitive and dative case; passive voice, present passive infinitives; all stories on kings of Rome and Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima and secunda). For stories focus on the morphology, syntax and translation of individual words and phrases.

Homework for Friday October 27, 2023

1) Complete all sentences in the D.D.D Double Dative handout and read the note following these sentences on this topic. Rewatch this video on the D.D.D Double Dative

2) Finish all sentences on page 2 of Test Preparation Things.

3) Finish reading and translating Atalanta et Hippomenes, Pars Secunda. Everyone should have a chance to read/translate. Review if you finished this some time ago.

4) Turn in on Friday Test Prep. English to Latin Sentences….. sentences 4. 5, 6  Type your final answers if your penmanship is not sufficiently legible to my aging mortal eyes. GRADED ASS.

4) Keep working on research for the great pumpkin thing. Due on Tuesday, October 31. See a copy of Ovid’s Metamorphoses or Latin Via Ovid (there are many mythological books in the classroom) to select a for the great pumpkin project. Email me with you the myth that you have chosen

Consolidation test on Thursday, November 2. Study/review: ipse, ipsa, ipsum; qui, ——sui, sibi, se, se; quae, quod; quidam, quaedam, quoddam; Syntax of genitive and dative case; passive voice, present passive infinitives; all stories on kings of Rome and Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima and secunda). For stories focus on the morphology, syntax and translation of individual words and phrases.

Homework for Tuesday October 24, 2023

Consolidation test on Thursday, October 26. Study/review: ipse, ipsa, ipsum; qui, ——sui, sibi, se, se; quae, quod; quidam, quaedam, quoddam; Syntax of genitive and dative case; passive voice, present passive infinitives; all stories on kings of Rome and Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima and secunda). For stories focus on the morphology, syntax and translation of individual words and phrases.

1) Finish reading and translating Atalanta et Hippomenes, Pars Secunda. You may need to look a few words up. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ. On Tuesday we will first read orally the last paragraph of Atalanta et Hippomenes, Pars Prima and then read all of Atalanta et Hippomenes, Pars Secunda. Everyone should have a chance to read/translate. Review if you finished this some time ago.

2) I will send out a key soon for Test Prep. English to Latin Sentences….. sentences 1, 2, 3 so you can self-correct.

3) Complete and turn in on Tuesday Test Prep. English to Latin Sentences….. sentences 4. 5, 6  Type your final answer if your penmanship is not sufficiently legible to my aging mortal eyes.

3) Review notes on and paradigms of qui, quae, quod and quidam, quaedam, quoddam (indefinite adj. = “some, certain”)

4) Keep working on research for the great pumpkin thing. See a copy of Ovid’s Metamorphoses or Latin Via Ovid (there are many mythological books in the classroom) to select a for the great pumpkin project. Email me with you the myth that you have chosen.

Homework for Thursday October 19, 2023

Consolidation test on Tuesday, October 24. Study/review: ipse, ipsa, ipsum; qui, ——sui, sibi, se, se; quae, quod; quidam, quaedam, quoddam; Syntax of genitive and dative case; passive voice, present passive infinitives; all stories on kings of Rome and Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima and secunda). For stories focus on the morphology, syntax and translation of individual words and phrases.

1) Finish reading and translating L. Tarquinius Superbus, Rex Septimus. You may need to look a few words up. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

2) Complete Test Prep. English to Latin Sentences….. sentences 1, 2, 3.  Type your final answer if your penmanship is not sufficiently legible to my aging mortal eyes.

3) Review notes on and paradigms of qui, quae, quod and quidam, quaedam, quoddam (indefinite adj. = “some, certain”)

4) Keep working on research for the great pumpkin thing. See a copy of Ovid’s Metamorphoses or Latin Via Ovid (there are many mythological books in the classroom) to select a for the great pumpkin project. Email me with you the myth that you have chosen.

Homework for Tuesday October 17, 2023

Consolidation test on Tuesday, October 24. Study/review: ipse, ipsa, ipsum; qui, ——sui, sibi, se, se; quae, quod; quidam, quaedam, quoddam; Syntax of genitive and dative case; passive voice, present passive infinitives; all stories on kings of Rome and Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima and secunda). For stories focus on the morphology, syntax and translation of individual words and phrases.

1) Complete the three English to Latin sentences on page 4 of the blue handout titled Relative Rabbits, Interrogative Animals & Indefinite Monkeys

2) Read and write out a translation for Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima), The final PARAPGRAPH which is on the next page with the vocabulary.

Homework for Thursday October 12, 2023

Consolidation test on Tuesday, October 17. Study/review: ipse, ipsa, ipsum; qui, ——sui, sibi, se, se; quae, quod; quidam, quaedam, quoddam; Syntax of genitive and dative case; passive voice, present passive infinitives; all stories on kings of Rome and Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima). For stories focus on the morphology, syntax and translation of individual words and phrases.

1) Complete page 3 (7 English to Latin Sentences) and 4 of Passive Sentences for Rabbits Who Suffer the Action and Like it. Turn these in at the beginning of class on Thursday.

2) Read and write out a translation for Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima), PARAPGRAPH THREE. Be well prepared to read/translate orally in class.

3) Vocabulary quiz on the list for Atalanta et Hippomenes. Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, October 12 with declension fun and a picture to label on the back. Bonus will be to decline quaedam rēs.

Homework for Tuesday October 10, 2023

Consolidation test on Tuesday, October 17. Study/review: ipse, ipsa, ipsum; qui, ——sui, sibi, se, se; quae, quod; quidam, quaedam, quoddam; Syntax of genitive and dative case; passive voice, present passive infinitives; all stories on kings of Rome and Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima). For stories focus on the morphology, syntax and translation of individual words and phrases.

1) Short Quiz on the Passive Morphology of present system and present passive infinitives. Here are videos on the morphology of the passive voice in the present system. You are not required to take notes. Watching passively should be sufficient but it will behoove you to recite these conjugations aloud. Present Passive Indicative Future Passive Indicative Imperfect Passive Indicative Present Passive Infinitive

2) Complete PAGES 5 and 6 of the Assignment on Passive Morphology of the Present System. This was handed out on Thursday. This good preparation for quiz. Translate each in your head.

3) Complete pages 2 and 3 (7 English to Latin Sentences) and 4 of Passive Sentences for Rabbits Who Suffer the Action and Like it.

4) Read and write out a translation for Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima), paragraphs 1, 2, 3 (down to Atalantae capior). Be well prepared to read/translate orally in class. See your email if you did not get this in class. Period II especially.

3) Keep learning the vocabulary list for Atalanta et Hippomenes. Vocabulary quiz on Thursday, October 12 with declension fun and a picture to label on the back. Bonus will be to decline .quaedam rēs.

Homework for Friday October 6, 2023

Corrected English to Latin sentences are due before or on Friday, Oct. 6. NO LATER. Attach your first ones to new ones. I am available at lunch for help, guidance and mortal support.

1) Here are videos on the morphology of the passive voice in the present system. You are not required to take notes. Watching passive should be sufficient.

Present Passive Indicative Future Passive Indicative Imperfect Passive Indicative

Present Passive Infinitive

2) Complete PAGES 1,2,3,4 of the Assignment on Passive Morphology of the Present System. You can translate in your head. Massive Friday HW grade.

3) Keep learning the vocabulary list for Atalanta et Hippomenes. Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, October 10 with declension fun and a picture to label on the back.

Homework for Tuesday October 3, 2023

Corrected English to Latin sentences are due before or on Thursday, Oct. 5. Attach your first ones to new ones. I am available at lunch for help, guidance and mortal support.

1) Read and write out a translation for PARAGRAPHS TWO AND THREE of The Death of Servius Tullius. It is in the same handout and uses the same vocabulary as the last story on Servius Tullius.

2) Complete all sentences on page 5 and 6 (sentences numbered 15-26) of Relative Rabbit Pronoun Ass. Review the paradigms of qui, quae, quod and quīdam, quaedam, quoddam (some, certain).

3) Complete all exercises on pages 2, 3, 4 of  Voc. List  for Atalanta et Hippomenes (pars prima et secunda). I will ask to see this on Tuesday.

4) Consolidation and review QUIZ (value 100 points) on Thursday, Oct. 5 on verbal morphology - regular & irregular verbs (fio, fero, sum, possum, volo, malo, nolo, eo). 6 tenses of indicative active and imperatives. English to Latin and Latin to English. Do not forget to review imperative endings.

5) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Atalanta et Hippomenes. Vocabulary quiz in 8.5 rabbit days. Declension fun game on the back.

Homework for Thursday September 28, 2023

1) Read and write out a translation for paragraph one of The Death of Servius Tullius. It is in the same handout and uses the same vocabulary as the last story on Servius Tullius.

2) Study your notes from the video on the relative pronoun and review examples from Tuesday’s class. You may wish to rewatch this video quī, quae, quod (relative pronoun) and take detailed notes. I will collect your notes on Thursday. Value 30-40 points.

3) Complete all sentences on page 3 and 4 (numbers 5-14) of Relative Rabbit Pronoun Ass.

4) Short quiz on the morphology of the relative pronoun and linguistic concepts regarding qui, quae, quod. Study notes from video and page one of Relative Clauses &TheRelative Pronoun (qui, quae, quod).

5) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Atalanta et Hippomenes. Quiz in 8.5 rabbit days. Beginning working on pages 2, 3, 4 of this handout.

Homework for Thuday September 26, 2023

1) Review UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives, especially usages of alius and alter. Then complete English to Latin sentences 1-8. Work independently, sign pledge and TYPE your final answer to turn in on Tuesday at the beginning of class. Value 80 points. Here is a copy for period 2 with added vocabulary. Email with questions. This short video on the ablative of respect may be help with respect of this assigmment.

2) Watch this video quī, quae, quod (relative pronoun) and take detailed notes. Organize your notes in an attractive and useful colorful format and turn them on Tuesday. Value 30-40 points.

3) Keep reviewing verbal morphology of regular and irregular verb. Quiz coming soon on this topic.

4) Here is a video on the Purple Perfect Passive Participle, if you need review of this topic.

Homework for Tuesday September 26, 2023

1) Review UNUS NAUTA pronominal adjectives, especially usages of alius and alter. Then complete English to Latin sentences 1-8. Work independently, sign pledge and TYPE your final answer to turn in on Tuesday at the beginning of class. Value 80 points. Here is a copy for period 2 with added vocabulary. Email with questions. This short video on the ablative of respect may be help with respect of this assigmment.

2) Watch this video quī, quae, quod (relative pronoun) and take detailed notes. Organize your notes in an attractive and useful colorful format and turn them on Tuesday. Value 30-40 points.

3) Keep reviewing verbal morphology of regular and irregular verb. Quiz coming soon on this topic.

4) Here is a video on the Purple Perfect Passive Participle, if you need review of this topic.

Homework for Friday September 22, 2023

1) Here is the list for the next vocabulary quiz (Tarquinius Priscus). Verbs are mostly review so focus on the second half of the list which is mostly new to you, especially the UNUS NAUTA words. Quiz on Friday, September 22.

2) Read and write out a translation of paragraph TWO of The Reign of Servius Tullius. Be able to read and translate in class. See pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary. Email if you need this.

3) Keep review verbal morphology.

4) Here is a video on the Purple Perfect Passive Participle, if you need review of this topic.

Homework for Thursday September 21, 2023

1) Short quiz on UNUS NAUUTA words. I will give you UNUS NAUUTA and you will give these 10 words and their English meanings. Know both uter? and uterque. Also know how they decline (-ius variation) and why they are called pronominal adjectives. Be able to translate: Aliī rānās, aliī ursās amant. and Alia apis in aliō flore sedet.

2) HW on Unus Nauta words:

a) Complete pages one and two (both sentences on page two) of Pronominal Adjectives (UNUS NAUTA Words). This is the second handout from class.

b) Make sure you have completed all sentences on page 2 of UNUS NAUTA - Pronominal Adjectives. This is the one that we worked on in class and you mostly finished.

3) Read and write out a translation of paragraph one of The Reign of Servius Tullius. Be able to read and translate in class. See pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary. Email if you need this.

4) Here is the list for the next vocabulary quiz (Tarquinius Priscus). Verbs are mostly review so focus on the second half of the list which is mostly new to you, especially the UNUS NAUTA words. Quiz on Friday, September 22.

Homework for Tuesday September 19, 2023

1) Review of Irregular Verbs (see last few pages of green thing):

a) Here are videos on all of Latin’s irregular verbs except fio, fieri, factus sum to help you review. You only need to watch the portion for Latin I.

b) For Tuesday complete pages 2, 5 and 6 of Irregular Mouse: Intensive Review of Verbal Morphology. Recite aloud as you do this tedious assignment. Use your green handout for help. See mail if you do not have this from class.

2) The New Thing for the Week is pronominal adjectives aka UNUS NAUTA words. Watch this video and take detailed notes. Then organize you notes into acolorful and usefuormat for study (value 30-40 points). Include morphology and examples. Due Tuesday, September 19.

3) Read and write out a translation of paragraph one of The Reign of Servius Tullius. Be able to read and translate in class. See pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary. Email if you need this.

4) Here is the list for the next vocabulary quiz (Tarquinius Priscus). Verbs are mostly review so focus on the second half of the list which is mostly new to you, especially the UNUS NAUTA words. Quiz in approx. 5 rabbit days.


Homework for Thursday, September 14, 2023 and Friday.

1) Complete the back page of salmon colored “The Ever Sexier Verb Game”.

2) Short quiz on Thursday on verbal morphology of all sex tenses in active voice for all conjugations of regular verbs in the format of a verb game and individual verbs to translate.

3) Read and write out a translation of paragraphs 2 and 3 (finish it) of The Story of Tarquinius Priscus. Be able to read and translate in class. See pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary.

4) Here is the list for the next vocabulary quiz (Tarquinius Priscus). Verbs are mostly review so focus on the second half of the list which is mostly new to you. Quiz in 7-10 rabbit days.

5) Review/consolidation quiz on Friday on the following topics: a) uses of the genitive case, including Objective Genitive (amor pecuniae); Watch this video on adjectives with the genitive case. What case do memor, memoris and oblitus, a, um govern? Be mindful of this and do not ever forget it!. b) —-, sui, sibi, se se and suus, a, um; c) ipse, ipsa, ipsum; d) solus, a, um; e) is, ea, id; e) ego, tu, nos and vos and their possessive adjectives. Value 80-100 points.

5) Email me with questions or complaints:

Homework for Tuesday, September 12, 2023.

1) Complete all of the green Quiz Preparation Assignment and turn it into me at the beginning of class on Tuesday. Consolidation quiz on these topics including a verb game on Thursday, September 14. Value 60-100 points. Video on the Objective Genitive and complete sentence 4 and 5 (Latin to English) tilted The Objective Genitive. You may wish to watch this video to review personal pronouns, which are related to this topic.

2) Complete the verb game for 4th conjugation (venio, venire) in the Morphological mouse handout.

3) Read and write out a translation of paragraphs 1 and of The Story of Tarquinius Priscus. Be able to read and translate in class. See pages 3 and 4 for vocabulary.

4) Here is the list for the next vocabulary quiz (Tarquinius Priscus). Verbs are mostly review so focus on the second half of the list which is mostly new to you. Quiz in 7-10 rabbit days.

5) Email me with questions or complaints:

Homework for Thursday, September 7, 2023.

1) Rewatch this video on the Objective Genitive and complete sentence 4 and 5 (Latin to English) tilted The Objective Genitive. You may wish to watch this video to review personal pronouns, which are related to this topic.

2) Complete the verb games for facio, facere and venio, venire in the Morphological Review hangout with the mouse.

3) Finish reading/translating all of Phaethon et Sol (Pars Secunda). Be able to read and translate orally in class on Thursday.

4) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Phaethon et Sol. Do not neglect the 8 irregular verbs. Quiz on Thursday, September 7 with picture of Phaethon

5) Email me with questions or complaints:

Homework for Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

1) a) Watch this video on the Objective Genitive and take notes then complete sentences 6 through 8 (both English to Latin). HW grade. Click here for a version with more vocabulary. Quiz ipse, ipsa, ipsum and — sui, sibi, se, se and suus, a, um is coming soon.

2) Complete the verb game on the last page of the Demonstrative handout with solus, a, um for mordeo, mordere. Click here for videos to help you review verbal morphology and use green handout to help.

3) Finish reading/translating all of Phaethon et Sol (Pars Secunda). Be able to read and translate orally in class on Tuesday.

4) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Phaethon et Sol. Do not neglect the 8 irregular verbs. Quiz on Thursday, September 7 with picture of Phaethon

5) Email me with questions or complaints:

Homework for Thursday, August 31, 2023.

1) a) Review ipse, ipsa, ipsum and — sui, sibi, se, se and suus, a, um; b) Complete sentences 2 through 5 (both English to Latin and Latin to English). HW grade. Click here for a version with more vocabulary.

2) Read and write out a translation for lines 16-27 of Phaethon et Sol (Pars Secunda). Be able to read and translate orally in class on Tuesday. We will also finish the first part of this story.

3) Begin learning the vocabulary list for Phaethon et Sol. Do not neglect the 8 irregular verbs. Quiz next week on this list.

4) Email me with questions or complaints:

Homework for Monday, August 28, 2023.

1) Watch this video and take notes. Then finish sentence 3 (English to Latin) on the back of the key handed out in class. 2nd period is green, 8th pink. This is the sentence: The beautiful queen herself killed herself with her own hand and his sword.    See handout for vocabulary below.

2) Complete the 2nd half (numbers 11-20) of page two (B.) of the Green Declension Fun - Nouns and Adjectives. Use your pink paradigms, if necessary. Here are videos to help. Recite the paradigms aloud magnā voce as you review. Quiz on this topic on Tuesday with ipse, ipsa, ipsum as the -ius variation adjective.

3) Read and write out a translation for lines 16-23 of Phaethon et Sol (Pars Secunda). Be able to read and translate orally in class on Tuesday. We will also finish the first part of this story.

4) Email me with questions or complaints:

Homework for Friday, August 25, 2023.

1) Complete page two (B.) of the Green Declension Fun - Nouns and Adjectives. Use your pink paradigms, if necessary. Here are videos to help. Recite the paradigms aloud magnā voce as you review. Quiz on this topic on Tuesday.

2) Read and write out a translation for lines 1-15 of Phaethon et Sol. Be able to read and translate orally in class on Friday. Watch this video on Phaethon.

3) Email me with questions or complaints:

Homework for Thursday, August 24, 2023.

1) Review notes on semantics, morphology and syntax. What three forms of syntactical agreement are crucial to the Latin Language?

2) Complete page one (A.) of the Green Declension Fun - Nouns and Adjectives. Use your pink paradigms, if necessary. Here are videos to help. Recite the paradigms aloud magnā voce as you review. Quiz on this topic on Friday.

3) Complete pages 1, 2, 3 of Bellicose Bunnies Conquer Nominal & Verbal Morphology. You may use Logeion (Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ) and Wheelock’s Latin or any other resources to answer these questions or ask upper level Latin student. Rabbits coming from Middle School should move to the next question, if unable to find the answer in short period of time.

4) Email me with questions or complaints:

Agenda for Tuesday, August 22, 2023.

1) Overview of Latin II with a little Roman History and Geography

2) Syntax Review with Dragon Sentence: What three forms of agreement exist in the Latin Language?

3) Declension Review. Start with declensions 1, 2, 3. Here are videos to help. Recite the paradigms aloud magnā voce.

4) Email me with questions.

5) Read and write out a translation for the new story, The Reign of Servius Tullius who is Rome’s sixth and penultimate king (rex sextus). See last the page of the handout for vocabulary to help. Be able to read and translate orally in class.

6) Declension Review: a) Start reviewing all declensions of nouns and adjectives. . Here are videos to help. Recite the paradigms aloud maximā voce. b) Complete page one of Practice Quiz: Declension Fun with Sexy Drago  

7) Review the English to Latin sentence completed in class. What three forms of syntactic agreement exist in Latin? What is the difference between an infinitive and a finite verb? What is a substantive? What are appositive nouns?


What to focus on and review for the FINAL EXAM.

1) Know the Matron of Ephesus in detail. Be able to translate into English but most importantly be able to justify your translation by explaining the morphology and syntax of words and phrases. Case syntax and justification of subjunctives will be a focus. Know also cultural things related to the story.

2) Declension Fun Game. Put a noun in the required case and make three adjective agree with it. Do not comparative adjectives and demonstrative and indefinite adjectives.

3) Change verbs in the indicative mood to the subjunctive mood and translate unexpressed. Vocabulary will be taken from Death of Priam list and the Matron list on which you had a quiz.

4) Subjunctive Syntax: Jussive, Hortatory, deliberative, optative, purpose, result, noun clause/indirect command, indirect question, relative clause of purpose and characteristic, attraction, cum + subjunctive (circumstantial, causal, concessive).

5) Gerund and Gerundive. Case syntax is important here. Onus discendī est magnum!

6) Verb games: regular, irregular (sum, possum, fero, fio, malo, nolo, volo, eo) and deponent verbs.

7) Deponent Verbs and Semi-deponent verbs.

8) Case usage/syntax. e.g. ablative absolute, dative of purpose, dative of agent, ablative with 6 deponent verbs, ablative of degreee of difference, comparison,

9) Indirect Statement and Relative Tense.

10) Impersonal verbs: oportet, placet, licet and their syntax.

Homework & Agenda for Tuesday, May 23.

1) For Thursday: Be well-prepared to read and translate at the beginning of class page 9 and 10 of Matron of Ephesus.

2) Complete all English to Latin Exam Preparation Sentences on the Lavender Paper.

3) Bring the Death of Priam reading passage to class.

Homework & Agenda for Thursday, May 11.

1) Correct with different pen all mistakes underlined on Quiz on Indirect Speech: Indirect Statement vs. Indirect Questions vs. Indirect Command. Show these to me on Thursday.

2) Keep reviewing all of the Matron of Ephesus. Finish reading/translating 6th page and 7th of The Matron of Ephesus. Be able to read oral in class.

3)Review this material below Gerund vs. Gerundive

a) Watch this video and take detailed notes with all examples. Turn notes in on Thurday.

b) Read Wheelock, CAPVT XXXIX, pages 332-4.

Homework & Agenda for Tuesday, May 9.

1) Correct with different pen all mistakes underlined on Quiz on Indirect Speech: Indirect Statement vs. Indirect Questions vs. Indirect Command. Show these to me on Tuesday.

2) Keep reviewing all of the Matron of Ephesus. Finish reading/translating 4th page and 5th of The Matron of Ephesus. Be able to read oral in class.

3) Final New Thing: Gerund vs. Gerundive

a) Watch this video and take detailed notes with all examples. Turn notes in on Tuesday.

b) Read Wheelock, CAPVT XXXIX, pages 332-4.

Homework & Agenda for Thursday, May 4.

1) Finish reading/translating and/or review the 3rd and 4th page of The Matron of Ephesus.

2) On Thursday, May 4. Quiz on Indirect Speech: Indirect Statement vs. Indirect Questions vs. Indirect Command. Know the vocabulary for Indirect Commands/Jussive Noun Clauses on handout. Do not forget relative tenses of infinitive and sequence of tenses for indirect questions, etc. May also wish to relative the volitive/optative subjunctive and relative clauses with the subjunctive mood: attraction, purpose and characteristic. Study the handout from # 1 above and the earlier one with a short vocabulary list for indirect command. Know any special syntax. See email for this if you need it.

Homework & Agenda for Thursday, April 27

There will be NO homework this weekend in Latin II for Tuesday, May 2.

1) See your email for a key for these sentences and use it to self-correct your sentences with a different colored pen. I will ask to see this. Finish all sentences down to and including number 10 of the English to Latin Sentences titled Indirect Speech: Statement, Questions, Command. Quiz on this material on Friday including the vocabulary list for Indirect Commands/Jussive Noun Clauses.

2) Review and prepared to read orally at the beginning of class paragraphs one and two of the Matron of Ephesus.

3) On Friday, April 28: Quiz on Indirect Speech: Indirect Statement vs. Indirect Questions vs. Indirect Command. Know the vocabulary for Indirect Commands/Jussive Noun Clauses on handout. Study the handout from # 1 above and the earlier one with a short vocabulary list.

Homework & Agenda for Tuesday, April 25

1) Vocabulary quiz on First List for the Matron of Ephesus. Quiz on Tuesday, April 25 with verb game on the back. Value 60-80 points. Be able to decline id melius opus or illud maius officium Expect a verb game on the back with either fero, ferre, tuli, latus or fio, fieri, factus sum.

2) Finish all sentences down to and including number 10 of the English to Latin Sentences titled Indirect Speech: Statement, Questions, Command. See your email for a new copy with added vocabulary for save the dear and precocious time of oppressed and overwork bunnies.

3) Read and write out all of Pars Tertia of the Death of Priam. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See commentary for help.

Homework & Agenda for Thursday, April 20

1) Review this video: Indirect Commands/Jussive Noun Clauses and finish page 3 of sentences on this topic.

2) Read and write out all of Pars Secunda of the Death of Priam from ipsum autem to pepercit. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See commentary for help.

3) Complete all (back and front) of Declension Fun - Vocabulary Quiz Preparation - Matrona List.

4) Continue learning the new vocabulary list First List for the Matron of Ephesus. Quiz on Friday, April 20 with verb game on the back. Value 60-80 points.

Agenda for Tuesday, April 18

Start learning the new vocabulary list First List for the Matron of Ephesus. Quiz on Thursday, April 20 with verb game on the back.

1) Read and write out all of Pars Secunda of the Death of Priam from ipsum autem to pepercit. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See commentary for help.

2) The Week is bought to us by the Indirect Commmand/Jussive Noun Clause:

a) Watch this video and take notes: Indirect Commands/Jussive Noun Clauses

b) Read and complete all sentences on page one and two of Indirect Command and Jussive Noun Clause

c) Begin learning the vocabulary on page one of the above handout on Indirect commands.

Agenda for Thursday, April 13

Start learning the new vocabulary list First List for the Matron of Ephesus. Quiz on Thursday, April 20 with verb game on the back.

1) Read the notes handed out in class on the Optative Subjunctive and complete Ass. on Optative/Volative and Relative Clauses in the Subjunctive Mood, sentences 4 through 10 for Thursday. You may need to review relative clauses with the subjunctive mood to complete some of these English to Latin sentences. See videos below.

2) Read and write out a tranlsation of Pars Secunda of the Death of Priam from line 506 to 516 (sedebant.)

3) Review these videos:

a) Optative or Volitive Subjunctive

b) Indirect Commands/Jussive Noun Clauses

4) Videos on Relative Clause with the Subjunctive Mood:

a) Relative clause of characteristic

b) Relative clause of purpose.

c) Subjunctive in a relative clause by attraction.

Agenda for Tuesday, April 11 and the Week, 2023.

1) Work to read and translate Pars Secunda of the Death of Priam.

2) New Uses of the Subjunctive Mood for Next Week:

a) Optative or Volitive Subjunctive

b) Indirect Commands/Jussive Noun Clauses

3) Review these videos on relative clauses (qui, quae, quod) with the subjunctive mood. Take detailed, well-organized notes and turn these in on Thursday. Review the paradigm of qui, quae, quod, if you can not recite and write out all 30 forms.

a) Relative clause of characteristic

b) Relative clause of purpose.

c) Subjunctive in a relative clause by attraction.

4) Keep reviewing: 1) the Assassination of Julius Caesar; 2) Roma Aeterna, 3) The death of Priam from Vergil’s Aeneid, Liber Secundus.

Agenda for Thursday, March 30, 2023.

1) Read and write out a translation of the Assassination of Julius Caesar from where we left off down to και συ τεκνον (kai su teknon). Be well prepared to read and translate this in class.

2) Watch these videos on relative clauses (qui, quae, quod) with the subjunctive mood. Take detailed, well-organized notes and turn these in on Thursday. Review the paradigm of qui, quae, quod, if you can not recite and write out all 30 forms.

a) Relative clause of characteristic

b) Relative clause of purpose.

c) Subjunctive in a relative clause by attraction.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, March 30, 2023.

1) Read and write out a translation of the Assassination of Julius Caesar from where we left off down to και συ τεκνον (kai su teknon). Be well prepared to read and translate this in class.

2) Watch these videos on relative clauses (qui, quae, quod) with the subjunctive mood. Take detailed, well-organized notes and turn these in on Thursday. Review the paradigm of qui, quae, quod, if you can not recite and write out all 30 forms.

a) Relative clause of characteristic

b) Relative clause of purpose.

c) Subjunctive in a relative clause by attraction.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, March 28, 2023.

A. Subjunctive consolidation quiz on Tuesday, March 28. Value 200 points. Review morphology, especially irregular verbs: fero, fio, nolo, volo, malo, sum, possum, eo. but focus on syntax: jussive/hortatory, deliberative, purpose clauses, cum clauses, result clauses, indirect questions (know interrogative animals) and sequence of tenses. Expressed vs. unexpressed. Main clause vs. subordinate clause. sequence of tenses: primary vs. Secondary. on-going action vs. completed action. How is each uses of the subjunctive negated? aliquis, aliquid after ne, nisi, si num. Study pink/green thing. Scroll down for videos on these topics. Wheelock’s Latin also has chapters on these topics. Review example sentences from assignments.

B. Keep reviewing: 1) the Assassination of Julius Caesar; 2) Roma Aeterna, 3) The death of Priam from Vergil’s Aeneid, Liber Secundus.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, March 23, 2023.

Subjunctive consolidation quiz on Tuesday, March 28. Value 200 points. Review morphology but focus on syntax: jussive/hortatory, deliberative, purpose clauses, cum clauses, result clauses, indirect questions and sequence of tenses. Study pink/green thing.

1) Work on Result Clauses:

a) Watch this video and take detailed notes, including examples. Organize notes to be handed in.

b) Read pages 1, 2,3 of new handout on Result Clauses and then complete all questions and sentences on pages 4, 5, 6.

2) Quiz for the gradebook on subjunctive morphology all tenses.

3) Old but bring: Both the Assassination of Julius Caesar and Roma Aeterna, PAGES 2/3-6, review and be well prepared to read and translation in class.

4) Start learning the vocabulary list King Priam vs. Qu-words (relative, interrogative and indefinite). SEE EMAIL for this list. This list is long but you should be already familiar with many of these words. Verb game of the back of this quiz. Quiz on Friday, March 24.

Agenda & Homework for Monday, March 20, 2023.

Pay online on the Maggie Walker website for the National Latin Exam, if you have not done so already.

1) Be able to read this orally at the beginning of class on Tuesday: The Climax of the Ilioupersis & The Murder of King Priam, Pars Prima, lines 886-495. See email attached vocabulary and email for a commentary to facilitate reading.

2) Complete pages 2 and 4 of Subjunctive Morphology - ALL tenses. This is the handout with the long passage of Cicero on the first page. Perfect Active Subjunctive Perfect Passive Subjunctive We will have our final subjunctive morphological quiz with all tenses later this week.

3) Indirect Questions and Sequence of Tenses:

a) Read Wheelock, pages 247-8 and watch this weird video on the topic from minute 10:20-23:00. Take detailed notes with example and turn these in on Tuesday. What tenses of the subjunctive are possible in a purpose clause? What two tenses are possible in primary sequence of an indirect question? What two tenses are possible in secondary (historical) sequence of an indirect question? What tenses are used to express on-going action? What tenses are used to express completed action?

b) Complete pages one and two of Sequence of Tenses for Indirect Questions. See page 4 of your colored handout on subjunctive syntax for this topic.

4) Old but bring: Both the Assassination of Julius Caesar and Roma Aeterna, PAGES 2/3-6, review and be well prepared to read and translation in class.

5) Start learning the vocabulary list King Priam vs. Qu-words (relative, interrogative and indefinite). SEE EMAIL for this list. This list is long but you should be already familiar with many of these words. Verb game of the back of this quiz. Quiz on Friday, March 24.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, March 17, 2023.

Pay online on the Maggie Walker website for the National Latin Exam, if you have not done so already.

1) Complete “untitled assignment” with Pontifex Maximus in first sentence. Last Graded Ass for the Quarter. Late things will not be accepted. See email if you need this.

2) Make sure that you have self-correct this exercise: Cum Clause Exercise: Watch this video on the Myth of Philemon and Baucis from Ovid’s Metamorphoses and then complete pages 3 and 4 of this assignment. You have this from last week but see email if you can’t find it or email me.

3) Keep reviewing everything subjunctive: Morphology of all tenses and Jussive/Hortatory/Deliberative/Purpose/cum clauses/indirect question. A Consolidation Test is coming soon on this material. You have one tense left to learn. For Tuesday next week watch these videos and take notes.

Perfect Active Subjunctive Perfect Passive Subjunctive

3) Read and write out a translation for The Climax of the Ilioupersis & The Murder of King Priam, Pars Prima, lines 886-495. See email attached vocabulary and email for a commentary to facilitate reading.

4) Old but bring: We will continue reading Roma Aeterna, PAGES 2/3-6, review and be well prepared to read and translation in class.

5) Start learning the vocabulary list King Priam vs. Qu-words (relative, interrogative and indefinite). SEE EMAIL for this list. This list is long but you should be already familiar with many of these words. Verb game of the back of this quiz. Quiz on Friday, March 27.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

1) Cum Clause Exercise: Watch this video on the Myth of Philemon and Baucis from Ovid’s Metamorphoses and then complete pages 3 and 4 of this assignment. You have this from last week but see email if you can’t find it or email me.

2) Keep reviewing everything subjunctive: Morphology of all tenses and Jussive/Hortatory/Deliberative/Purpose/cum clauses/indirect question. A Consolidation Test is coming soon on this material. You have one tense left to learn. For Tuesday next week watch these videos and take notes.

Perfect Active Subjunctive Perfect Passive Subjunctive

3) Read and write out a translation for The Climax of the Ilioupersis & The Murder of King Priam, Pars Prima, lines 886-495. See email attached vocabulary and email for a commentary to facilitate reading.

4) Old but bring: We will continue reading Roma Aeterna, PAGES 2/3-6, review and be well prepared to read and translation in class.

5) Start learning the vocabulary list King Priam vs. Qu-words (relative, interrogative and indefinite). SEE EMAIL for this list. This list is long but you should be already familiar with many of these words. Verb game of the back of this quiz. Quiz in 10 days.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, March 9 and Friday, March 10.

1)Finish and turn in Juno/Aeolus/Ajax artistic assignment on Friday, March 10. Take a picture with your phone and email the picture to me. See past email for this assignment Value 100 points by the end of the week. Due on Friday, March 10. Late assignment will receive a zero in the gradebook.

2) Keep reviewing everything subjunctive: Morphology of all tenses and Jussive/Hortatory/Deliberative/Purpose/cum clauses/indirect question. A Consolidation Test is coming soon on this material. You have one tense left to learn. For Tuesday next week watch these videos and take notes.

Perfect Active Subjunctive Perfect Passive Subjunctive

3) We will take the CAV test later this week. Download from you email a practice test and complete this for Tuesday. SEE EMAIL FOR VOCABULARY LIST FOR THE CAV test.

4) We will continue reading Roma Aeterna, PAGES 2/3-6, review and be well prepared to read and translation in class.

5) Start learning the vocabulary list King Priam vs. Qu-words (relative, interrogative and indefinite). SEE EMAIL for this list. This list is long but you should be already familiar with many of these words. Verb game of the back of this quiz. Quiz in 10 days.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, March 13, 2023.

1) Cum Clause Exercise: Watch this video on the Myth of Philemon and Baucis from Ovid’s Metamorphoses and then complete pages 3 and 4 of this assignment. You have this from last week but see email if you can’t find it or email me.

2) Keep reviewing everything subjunctive: Morphology of all tenses and Jussive/Hortatory/Deliberative/Purpose/cum clauses/indirect question. A Consolidation Test is coming soon on this material. You have one tense left to learn. For Tuesday next week watch these videos and take notes.

Perfect Active Subjunctive Perfect Passive Subjunctive

3) Read and write out a translation for The Climax of the Ilioupersis & The Murder of King Priam, Pars Prima, lines 886-495. See email attached vocabulary and email for a commentary to facilitate reading.

4) We will continue reading Roma Aeterna, PAGES 2/3-6, review and be well prepared to read and translation in class.

5) Start learning the vocabulary list King Priam vs. Qu-words (relative, interrogative and indefinite). SEE EMAIL for this list. This list is long but you should be already familiar with many of these words. Verb game of the back of this quiz. Quiz in 10 days.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, March 7, 2023

1) More Subjunctive Work for Tuesday.

a) Quiz on Tuesday on the subjunctive mood morphology: Present, Imperfect and Perfect.

b) Review Cum Clause (3c’s of CUM) with the Subjunctive Mood: a) Watch the video on Circumstantial CUM Clauses b) Watch this video on Causal and Concessive Cum Clauses. Take notes and add to notes above. (I will collect videos notes on Thursday.)

c) Complete all sentences pages one and two of English to Latin Sentences Subjunctive Style. See your email for a new version with added vocabulary. Type final version and email to me prior to class. We will do a zoom class.

2) We will take the CAV test later this week. Download from you email a practice test and complete this for Tuesday. SEE EMAIL FOR VOCABULARY LIST FOR THE CAV test.

3) We will continue reading Roma Aeterna, PAGES 2-6, review and be well prepared to read and translation in class.

4) Keep working on the artistic assignment for Juno/Aeolus/Ajax. See past email for this. Value 100 points by the end of the week. Due on Friday, March 10.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, March 1, 2023

1) More Subjunctive Work:

a) Complete pages 1, 2, 3 of the Subjunctive Morphology: Present, Imperfect & Pluperfect with the mouse.

b) Watch the video on Circumstantial CUM Clauses (I will collect videos notes on Thursday.)

c) NEW: Watch this video on Causal and Concessive Cum Clauses. Take notes and add to notes above. (I will collect videos notes on Thursday.)

d) Review notes handed out on cum clause and then complete all sentences in Various Subjunctives in their Natural Habitat. See email for a new version of this with more vocabulary added and one addition sentence.

2) We will continue reading Roma Aeterna, PAGES 1-6, review and be well prepared to read and translation in class.

3) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, March 3 on list for Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode.

4) Keep working on the artistic assignment for Juno/Aeolus/Ajax. See past email for this. Value 100 points by the end of the week.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, March 1, 2023

1) More Subjunctive Work:

a) Complete pages 1, 2, 3 of the Subjunctive Morphology: Present, Imperfect & Pluperfect with the mouse.

b) Watch the video on Circumstantial CUM Clauses (I will collect videos notes on Thursday.)

c) NEW: Watch this video on Causal and Concessive Cum Clauses. Take notes and add to notes above. (I will collect videos notes on Thursday.)

d) Review notes handed out on cum clause and then complete all sentences in Various Subjunctives in their Natural Habitat. See email for a new version of this with more vocabulary added and one addition sentence.

2) We will continue reading Roma Aeterna, PAGES 1-6, review and be well prepared to read and translation in class.

3) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, March 3 on list for Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode.

4) Keep working on the artistic assignment for Juno/Aeolus/Ajax. See past email for this. Value 100 points by the end of the week.

Agenda & Homework for Firday, February 24, 2023

1) ) Quiz on Friday, February 24 for Grade book in the morphology of the present and imperfect subjunctive for all verbs. Same formate as b) assignment above.

2) Bring to class. Finish reading and translation the first 5 pages of Roma Aeterna

3) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February 28 on list for Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, February 23, 2023

1) Crucial and Essential Work on the Subjunctive Mood. Do this work in order.

a) What this video on the morphology of the imperfect subjunctive and take notes.

b) Complete pages one and two of Subjunctive Morphological Mouse: Present & Imperfect. Use vocabulary list attached for help with vocabulary. 8th period did not get this in class. See email for this document.

c) Watch this video on the deliberative subjunctive and take notes that include examples.

d) Quiz on Friday, February 24 for Grade book in the morphology of the present and imperfect subjunctive for all verbs. Same formate as b) assignment above.

2) Finish all sentences in page 2 of Various Subjunctives in Their Natural Habitat

3) Start working on Artistic Assignment on Vergil, Aeneid: Ajax, Aeolus & Juno Episode. See email for this assignment.

Bring to class. Finish reading and translation the first 3 pages of Roma Aeterna and make sure that you have completed Aeolus/Juno down to lone 75 (exigat et pulchrā faciat tē prōle parente). Be able to read, translate and discuss in class.

5) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, February 28 on list for Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, February 17, 2023

1) Finish and review all of Catullus V.

2) Finish all sentences in page 2 of Various Subjunctives in Their Natural Habitat

3) Finish reading and translation the first 3 pages of Roma Aeterna and make sure that you have completed Aeolus/Juno down to lone 75 (exigat et pulchrā faciat tē prōle parente). Be able to read, translate and discuss in class.

3) Watch this video on Rome as a City (urbs, urbis f.) and take notes. See emailed map of the city to help you with orientation.

4) Assignment on Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode is due on Friday, February 17.

5) Start learning the vocabulary list in Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode. Quiz on Thursday, February 23.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, February 16, 2023

1) Finish reading and translation the first 3 pages of Roma Aeterna and make sure that you have completed Aeolus/Juno down to lone 75 (exigat et pulchrā faciat tē prōle parente). Be able to read, translate and discuss in class.

2) More Crucial and Essential Work on the Subjunctive Mood:

a) Watch these three videos on three different uses of the subjunctive. Take precise and detailed notes (due on Wednesday - 40-50 points) and make pretty and organized ut tu semper facere solēs:

i. Jussive/Hortatory (independent expressed) (negate with ne)

ii. Purpose Clause (dependent subjunctive) = ut/nē + subjunctive

iii. Indirect Question (dependent unexpressed Subjunctive) and General Overview of the subjunctive mood

3) Watch this video on Rome as a City (urbs, urbis f.) and take notes. See emailed map of the city to help you with orientation.

4) Assignment on Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode is due on Thursday, February 16.

5) Start learning the vocabulary list in Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode. Quiz on Thursday, February 23.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Bring completed Ajax assignment from Last week.

1) Watch this video on Rome as a City (urbs, urbis f.) and take notes. See emailed map of the city to help you with orientation.

2) More Crucial and Essential Work on the Subjunctive Mood:

a) Watch these three videos on three different uses of the subjunctive. Take precise and detailed notes (due on Monday - 40-50 points) and make pretty and organized ut tu semper facere solēs:

i. Jussive/Hortatory (independent expressed) (negate with ne)

ii. Purpose Clause (dependent subjunctive) = ut/nē + subjunctive

iii. Indirect Question (dependent unexpressed Subjunctive) and General Overview of the subjunctive mood

b) Finish the colored (blue I think) that asks you form and translate subjunctives in three ways.

c) First quiz on Tuesday of morphology of subjunctive in the present tense. Study your corrected handout on morphology and Subjunctive - Theoretical and Conceptual Questions and Drill on Present Tense.

3) Assignment on Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode is due on Thursday, February 16.

4) Start learning the vocabulary list in Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode. Quiz on Thursday, February 23.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, February 9, 2023

Bring completed Ajax assignment from Last week.

1) Crucial and Essential Work on the Subjunctive Mood:

a) Watch this video on the present subjunctive and take detailed notes. Turn notes in on Thursday.

b) Review notes from class on the subjunctive mood and review pages one of one of Subjunctive - Theoretical and Conceptual Questions and Drill on Present Tense.

c) Complete pages 2, 3 and 4 of Subjunctive - Theoretical and Conceptual Questions and Drill on Present Tense. HW Grade. See email if you did not get this in class.

2) Quiz on Latin’s Eight irregular verbs on Friday, February 9, 2023. Continue learning/reviewing Latin’s eight irregular verbs.

3) Finish reading and writing out a translation for Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode.

4) Start learning the vocabulary list in Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Video on Purpose Clauses

Bring completed Ajax assignment from Last week.

1) Watch this video to review/learn the volo, velle and its two compounds and negative imperatives made from noli and nolite + infinitive Take notes, organize them and turn in on Tuesday.

2) Irregular Verb Review:

a) Continue learning/reviewing Latin’s eight irregular verbs. Click here for paradigms and videos to help. Remember that they are only irregular in the present system tenses. See also the final pages of your verb handout.

b) Complete pages 6 and 7 (list of irregular verbs to translate into English) for Tuesday. See email if you need this.

c) Quiz on Latin’s Eight irregular verbs on Thursday, February 9, 2023.

3) Finish reading and writing out a translation for Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode. I will ask to see the written translation. Makes notes on the text (not translation) to facilitate your reading in class. See email if you need this.

4) Start learning the vocabulary list in Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, February 3, 2023

1) Quiz on Friday, February 3 on the vocabulary list for the death of Ajax. Verb game on the back and pictures to label (ship) with vocabulary from the reading

2) Irregular Verb Review: Continue learning/reviewing Latin’s eight irregular verbs. Click here for paradigms and videos to help. Remember that they are only irregular in the present system tenses. See also the final pages of your verb handout.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Bring completed Ajax assignment from Last week.

1) Watch this video to review/learn the volo, velle and its two compounds and negative imperatives made from noli and nolite + infinitive Take notes, organize them and turn in on Tuesday.

2) Irregular Verb Review:

a) Continue learning/reviewing Latin’s eight irregular verbs. Click here for paradigms and videos to help. Remember that they are only irregular in the present system tenses. See also the final pages of your verb handout.

b) Complete pages 6 and 7 (list of irregular verbs to translate into English) for Tuesday. See email if you need this.

c) Quiz on Latin’s Eight irregular verbs on Thursday, February 9, 2023.

3) Finish reading and writing out a translation for Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode. I will ask to see the written translation. Makes notes on the text (not translation) to facilitate your reading in class. See email if you need this.

4) Start learning the vocabulary list in Vergil, Aeneid: Aeolus & Juno Episode.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, January 31, 2023 and the Week

1) Bring Corrections made on the pink quiz (from Tuesday) titled All Flavors of Interrogative Animals. Use a different pen so corrections are clearly visible.

2) Complete English to Latin sentences 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 for Tuesday’s class. Email these to me in 14-16 point font prior to class on Tuesday but also bring a hard copy to class on Tuesday. Graded Ass. Value 60-80 points. Write answers clearly and observe standard Latin word order. You may email me with questions as you compose the Latin sentence.

3) Irregular Verb Review:

a) Begin reviewing Latin’s eight irregular verbs. Click here for paradigms and videos to help. Remember that they are only irregular in the present system tenses. See also the final pages of your verb handout.


c) Quiz on the morphology of all eight irregular verbs on Tuesday, February 7.

4) The Death of Ajax

a) Review translation, morphology, syntax and mythology.

b) Quiz on Friday, February 3 on the vocabulary list for the death of Ajax. Verb game on the back and pictures to label.

5) Old things but bring them completed:

a) Pages 3 and 4 of Matching That Rabbit Game which is titled Morphological Madness for Ajax Vocabulary, including the verb game for utor, uti, usus

b) All of pages of Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs, especially page three

6) Quiz on Thursday, February 2 (or diminutive test) on Latin Adverbs. Be able to form positive, comparative and superlative adverbs, especially irregular ones. Study vocabulary list, first handout on morphology and all five pages of Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs, especially the passer mortuus and Catullus obdurat. Also review deponent verbs and interrogative animals. How is the verb nego, negare used? Review also the ablative of degree of difference and the ablative of comparison and quam + superlative adverb.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, January 27, 2023

1) Make correct on the pink quiz (from Tuesday) titled All Flavors of Interrogative Animals. Use a different pen so corrections are clearly visible.

2) Complete English to Latin sentences 2, 3, 4 for tomorrow, Friday. Write answers clearly and observe standard Latin word order. Type answer is your penmanship is lacking.

3) Old things but bring them completed:

a) Pages 3 and 4 of Matching That Rabbit Game which is titled Morphological Madness for Ajax Vocabulary, including the verb game for utor, uti, usus

b) All of pages of Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs, especially page three

3) Finish and review your translation on a separate piece of paper lines 34-49 of The Death of Ajax (the Lesser). It is difficult but give it your best attempt. I will ask to see your written out translation.

4) Quiz on Tuesday, January 31. (or diminutive test) on Latin Adverbs. Study vocabulary list and all five pages of Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs

5) Begin reviewing Latin’s eight irregular verbs. Click here for paradigms and videos to help. Remember that they are only irregular in the present system tenses. See also the final pages of your verb handout.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, January 27, 2023

1) Make correct on the pink quiz (from Tuesday) titled All Flavors of Interrogative Animals. Use a different pen so corrections are clearly visible.

2) Complete English to Latin sentences 2, 3, 4 for tomorrow, Friday. Write answers clearly and observe standard Latin word order. Type answer is your penmanship is lacking.

3) Old things but bring them completed:

a) Pages 3 and 4 of Matching That Rabbit Game which is titled Morphological Madness for Ajax Vocabulary, including the verb game for utor, uti, usus

b) All of pages of Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs, especially page three

3) Finish and review your translation on a separate piece of paper lines 34-49 of The Death of Ajax (the Lesser). It is difficult but give it your best attempt. I will ask to see your written out translation.

4) Quiz on Tuesday, January 31. (or diminutive test) on Latin Adverbs. Study vocabulary list and all five pages of Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs

5) Begin reviewing Latin’s eight irregular verbs. Click here for paradigms and videos to help. Remember that they are only irregular in the present system tenses. See also the final pages of your verb handout.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, January 24, 2023

1) Old things but bring them completed:

a) Pages 3 and 4 of Matching That Rabbit Game which is titled Morphological Madness for Ajax Vocabulary, including the verb game for utor, uti, usus

b) All of pages of Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs, especially page three

2) Complete the pink sheet with adverbial matching - both sides.

3) Read and write out a translation on a separate piece of paper lines 34-49 of The Death of Ajax (the Lesser). It is difficult but give it your best attempt. I will ask to see your written out translation.

4) Quiz on Tuesday, January 31. (or diminutive test) on Latin Adverbs. Study vocabulary list and all five pages of Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs

5) Begin reviewing Latin’s eight irregular verbs. Click here for paradigms and videos to help. Remember that they are only irregular in the present system tenses. See also the final pages of your verb handout.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, January 24, 2023

1) Complete pages 3 and 4 of Matching That Rabbit Game which is titled Morphological Madness for Ajax Vocabulary, including the verb game for utor, uti, usus

2) Quiz on Interrogative Animals and How to ask questions in Latin. Review poems by Catullus (passer and obdura) poems on pages 4 and 4 Know the whole vocabulary list with Interrogative Animals, including things on the list that are not interrogative. Be able to distinguish among the interrogative animals: adverbs, pronouns and adjectives. Format of quiz: a) standard vocabulary quiz; b) match; c) short Latin sentences with interrogative animals and deponent verbs. Review your blue list of deponent verbs.

3) Reread and review two poems on pages 1 to 5 of new handout, titled Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs. We will finish this in class on Tuesday, especially page 3. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ or ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ APP for IPHONE

4) Keep review vocabulary list of adverbs and especial the ones encountered in Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs. Quiz on adverbs coming soon.

5) Begin reviewing Latin’s eight irregular verbs. Click here for paradigms and videos to help. Remember that they are only irregular in the present system tenses. See also the final pages of your verb handout.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, January 19, 2023

1) Read and write out a translation for the two poems on pages 4 and 5 of new handout, titled Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs (SEE EMAIL for a version with more vocabulary). Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ or ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ APP for IPHONE

2) Turn in take home quiz/assignment on Marcus Tullius Cicero on Lucretia and Tarquinius Superbus. Email me with questions and study your notes from class. Case usage and syntax will be a significant aspect of this quiz.

3) a) Begin learning the vocabulary list with Interrogative Animals. Quiz on Tuesday, January 24. See email if you can not find this list. b) A quiz on the list of adverbs will follow see new email for each list or page 6 and 7 of Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs (SEE EMAIL for a version with more vocabulary).

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, January 17, 2023

1) Some Curial and Essential work on Adverbs:

a) Old but finish pages 3 and 4 of the first handout on Latin Adverbs, titled Adverbs: Positive, Comparative & Superlative Adverbs and start learning the vocabulary lists in this handout with various adverbs temporal and spacial. This should already be complete.

b) Finish all sentences and poems on pages 1, 2 and 3 of new handout, titled Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs (SEE EMAIL for a version with more vocabulary). Review the first sentence - the one about the Republic from Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita. You will need to look up some words in Logeion. Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ or ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ APP for IPHONE

2) Quiz on Tuesday on the translation, morphology and syntax of Marcus Tullius Cicero on Lucretia and Tarquinius Superbus. Email me with questions and study your notes from class. Case usage and syntax will be a significant aspect of this quiz.

3) Begin learning the vocabulary list with Interrogative Animals. Quiz in one week. See email if you can not find this list. A quiz on the list of adverbs will follow see new email for each list or page 6 and 7 of Short Sentences and Poems with Adverbs (SEE EMAIL for a version with more vocabulary).

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, January 12, 2023

1) Some work on Adverbs:

a) Then watch the first 10 minutes this video and take detail notes. Turns in notes on Thursday. Graded ass.

b) Finish pages 3 and 4 of the new handout on Latin Adverbs.

c) Short quiz on Adverb on Thursday in same formate as page one in handout used in b) above.

2) Review, study and finish all of Marcus Tullius Cicero on Lucretia and Tarquinius Superbus. See vocabulary and notes in handout and use logon to look up additional vocabulary.

3) For Thursday finish the 2nd half of the podcast and questions for the podcast BBC In Our Time: The Roman Republic. For Thursday listen to the remaining 20 minutes and answer the questions in as much detail humanly possible. For next Tuesday finish the podcast and all questions. Grade Ass. and be able to discuss in the class. Turn in assignment on Thursday.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, January 10, 2023

1) a) Read and study pages 264-6 of Wheelock’s Latin. b) Then watch the first 10 minutes this video and take detail notes. Organize notes. c) Complete pages 1, 3, 4 of the new handout on Latin Adverbs. NOTA BENE: There is crucial adverbial vocabulary in the handout to help you answer questions.

2) Read and write out a translation on the provided paper of Marcus Tullius Cicero on Lucretia and Tarquinius Superbus. See vocabulary and notes in handout and use logon to look up additional vocabulary.

3) For Thursday finish the podcast and question for the podcast BBC In Our Time: The Roman Republic. For Thursday listen to the remaining 20 minutes and answer the questions in as much detail humanly possible. For next Tuesday finish the podcast and all questions. Grade Ass. and be able to discuss in the class. Turn in assignment on Thursday.

4) Old thing to have finished and to bring to class: a) Complete all sentences on page 2 of new handout on Interrogative Animals and Deponent Verbs. b) translation of all of of Livy’s Story of Lucretia, Part V.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, January 6, 2023

1) Complete all sentences on page 2 of new handout on Interrogative Animals and Deponent Verbs.

2) Read and write out a translation of all of of Livy’s Story of Lucretia, Part V.

3) Vocabulary quiz on the blue list of Deponent verbs on Friday, January 6, 2023. Do not forget the six that govern the ablative case and semi-deponents. There will be a list of conjugated verbs on the back. Do for forget irregular FAPs moriturus, a, um and oriturus, a, um.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, January 5 , 2023 and the Week.

1) Complete all sentences on page 2 of new handout on Interrogative Animals and Deponent Verbs.

2) Read and write out a translation of the first 2/3 of Livy’s Story of Lucretia, Part V. See notes at bottom of the text and vocabulary at end of handout for help. Be able to show your translation to me and be prepared to read and translate orally in class. Finish the whole thing for Friday.

3) Find the question for the podcast BBC In Our Time: The Roman Republic. For Thursday listen to the first 20 minutes and answer the questions in as much detail humanly possible. For next Tuesday finish the podcast and all questions. Grade Ass. and be able to discuss in the class. Email me if you can not find the questions. Turn in assignment on Thursday.

4) Vocabulary quiz on the blue list of Deponent verbs on Friday, January 6, 2023. Do not forget the six that govern the ablative case and semi-deponents. There will be a list of conjugated verbs on the back. Do for forget irregular FAPs moriturus, a, um and oriturus, a, um.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, December 15 , 2022.

Bring completed assignment from Friday’s Class on Chapter II: Comparison of Adjectives. HW grade.

1) Correct all your makes with a different pen on Quiz on all Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Quam. Bring corrections to class on Thursday.

2) Work to be done on Deponent Verbs:

a) Complete English to Latin Sentences 1 -3 on new handout titled Dirty Dog Deponent Sentences

b) Begin learning the blue vocabulary list of dependent verbs and their derivatives. Pay special attention to semi-deponents (audeo, soleo, gaudeo, fido) and the six that govern the ablative case (utor, potior, fruor, fungor, vescor et nitor). Vocabulary quiz on deponents shortly after the break.

c) Complete for Tuesday pages 3 of Latin to English Sentences with deponent verbs handed out on Friday or find them in your email.

d) Short Quiz on Thursday, December 15 on the 6 thing to know about deponent verbs. Be able to support each point with an example and learn one deponent from each conjugation for the quiz.

2) Read and write out a translation Livy’s Story of Lucretia, Part IV. See notes at bottom of the text and vocabulary at end of handout for help. Be able to show your translation to me and be prepared to read and translate orally in class.

3) See email for vocabulary list (The Lucretia List) for the next vocabulary quiz on December 16. Verb game on the back with a wretch deponent verb.

4) Keep review notes from class and stories read in class.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, December 13, 2022.

Bring completed assignment from Friday’s Class on Chapter II: Comparison of Adjectives. HW grade.

1) Correct all your makes with a different pen on Quiz on all Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Quam. Bring corrections to class on Tuesday.

2) Work to be done on Deponent Verbs:

a) Review this video and your notes from the video and from class. Rewatch this video on Deponent Verbs.

b) Begin learning the blue vocabulary list of dependent verbs and their derivatives. Pay special attention to semi-deponents (audeo, soleo, gaudeo, fido) and the six that govern the ablative case (utor, potior, fruor, fungor, vescor et nitor). Vocabulary quiz on deponents shortly after the break.

c) Complete for Tuesday pages 1 and 2 of Latin to English Sentences with deponent verbs handed out on Friday or find them in your email. Do pages 3 and 4 for Thursday.

d) Short Quiz on Thursday, December 15 on the 6 thing to know about deponent verbs. Be able to support each point with an example and learn one deponent from each conjugation for the quiz.

2) Read and write out a translation Livy’s Story of Lucretia, Part III and IV. See notes at bottom of the text and vocabulary at end of handout for help. Be able to show your translation to me and be prepared to read and translate orally in class.

3) See email for vocabulary list (The Lucretia List) for the next vocabulary quiz on December 16. Verb game on the back with a wretch deponent verb.

4) Keep review notes from class and stories read in class.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, December 8, 2022.

Bring completed assignment from Friday’s Class on Chapter II: Comparison of Adjectives. HW grade.

1) Watch this video on Deponent Verbs and take extremely detailed notes that include examples and are well organized with crucial and essential elements highlighted or put in pretty colors. Value 40 points. Due at the beginning of class on Wednesday.

2) Read and write out a translation Livy’s Story of Lucretia, Part III. See notes at bottom of the text and vocabulary at end of handout for help. Be able to show your translation to me and be prepared to read and translate orally in class.

3) Final Quiz on all Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Quam. Know all irregular ones (do not forget superus and inferus) study the colored handouts and know ablative of degree of difference (5 things), ablative of comparison and seven uses of quam, along with idioms. 50-80 points.

4) See email for vocabulary lists for the next vocabulary quiz on December 16.

4) Keep review notes from class and stories read in class.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, December 6, 2022.

Bring completed assignment from Friday’s Class on Chapter II: Comparison of Adjectives. HW grade.

1) Read and write out a translation Livy’s Story of Lucretia, Part III. We still have a little to finish from part two. See notes at bottom of the text and vocabulary at end of handout for help. Be able to show your translation to me and be prepared to read and translate orally in class.

2) A little more work on Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Quam.

a) Study notes from class on How I Stopped Worrying and Love the Quam.

b) Translate all sentences on the back of How I Stopped Worrying and Love the Quam.

c) Quiz on the seven uses of quam and the comparative and superlative syntax on Wednesday. Study notes from class on green/blue sheet and the back of this colored paper. Comparison with Quam b) Ablative of Comparison c) Ablative of Degree of Difference

d) Complete sentences four and five on the back of the quiz returned to you on Friday. Email if you need these.

3) See email for vocabulary lists for the next vocabulary quiz on December 16.

4) Keep review notes from class and stories read in class.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, December 1, 2022.

Bring completed assignment from Friday’s Class on Chapter II: Comparison of Adjectives. HW grade.

1) Quiz on Thursday, December 1 on irregular comparative and superlative adjectives (superus, inferus, bonus, malus, magnus, parvus, multus, multi), uses and meanings of quam (see pages 2 and 4 of handout), ablative of comparison and the ablative of degree of difference. a) Comparison with Quam b) Ablative of Comparison c) Ablative of Degree of Difference

2) Read and write out a translation for the 2nd page of Livy’s Story of Lucretia. See notes at bottom of the text and vocabulary at end of handout for help. Be able to show your translation to me and be prepared to read and translate orally in class.

3) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.

4) Keep review notes from class and stories read in class.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, November 29, 2022.

Bring completed assignment from Friday’s Class on Chapter II: Comparison of Adjectives. HW grade.

1) Quiz on Thursday, December 1 on irregular comparative and superlative adjectives (bonus, malus, magnus, parvus, multus, multi), uses and meanings of quam, ablative of comparison and the ablative of degree of difference. a) Comparison with Quam b) Ablative of Comparison c) Ablative of Degree of Difference

2) Read and write out a translation for the first paragraph of Livy’s Story of Lucretia. See notes at bottom of the text and vocabulary at end of handout for help. Be able to show your translation to me and be prepared to read and translate orally in class.

3) Keep reading Livy’s Story of Lucretia if you wish to get ahead.

4) I will post a new vocabulary list soon.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, November 22, 2022.

Bring the assignment from Friday’s Class on Chapter II: Comparison of Adjectives

1) Short morphological quiz on irregular comparative and superlative adjectives (bonus, malus, magnus, parvus, multus, multi). See email for the list to study.

2) Read and write out a translation for the first paragraph of Livy’s Story of Lucretia. See notes at bottom of the text and vocabulary at end of handout for help. Be able to show your translation to me and be prepared to read and translate orally in class.

3) Bring completed pages 1 and 2 of new handout on degrees of adjectives (comparative and superlative). Begin memorizing the irregular ones by saying them aloud and recalling their English, Spanish and or French (Anusha takes French).

4) Turn these notes from videos in on Tuesday. Watch these three videos and take detailed notes. Organize the notes in a pretty, colorful creative and shapely poster. Make sure that you include the examples from the video. Value 40-50 points. a) Comparison with Quam b) Ablative of Comparison c) Ablative of Degree of Difference

Agenda & Homework for Friday, November 18, 2022.

1) Complete pages 1 and 2 of new handout on degrees of adjectives (comparative and superlative). Begin memorizing the irregular ones by saying them aloud and recalling their English, Spanish and or French (Anusha takes French).

2) Watch these three videos and take detailed notes. Organize the notes in a pretty, colorful creative and shapely poster. Make sure that you include the examples from the video. Value 40-50 points. a) Comparison with Quam b) Ablative of Comparison c) Ablative of Degree of Difference

Agenda & Homework for Friday, November 18, 2022.

1) Complete pages 1 and 2 of new handout on degrees of adjectives (comparative and superlative). Begin memorizing the irregular ones by saying them aloud and recalling their English, Spanish and or French (Anusha takes French).

2) Watch these three videos and take detailed notes. Organize the notes in a pretty, colorful creative and shapely poster. Make sure that you include the examples from the video. Value 40-50 points. a) Comparison with Quam b) Ablative of Comparison c) Ablative of Degree of Difference

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

1) Video on the ablative of source. Also review this video on the dirty dog double dative. Watch this video in the dative of purpose and the dirty dog double dative. Find this dative on the Upper Level Case Syntax thing.

2) Complete and turn in on Tuesday the assignment for Caesar et Ariovistus in Oratio Obliqua. A Valuable Ass. Work Independently and sign pledge.

3) Some of you may wish to review/master the relative pronoun. I have given some an optional assignment on this which may be complete for extra points. Before doing the assignment I recommend watch this video on the relative pronoun and reading chapter XVII, beginning on page `139.

4) Consolidation Test (Value 180-200 points) on Thursday, November 17 on UNUS NAUTA words, passive voice of all indicative tenses, verb game, all participles, active periphrastic, passive periphrastic with dative of agent, ablative absolutes, complementary and subjective infinitives, vocabulary associated with infinitives, impersonal verbs (licet, libet, placet, oportet, etc.) and indirect statement (oratio obliqua) with head verbs, and special uses of cases (objective genitive, dative of agent, ablative of personal agent, ablative of source, SIDSPACE prepositions, genitive with words of remembering/forgetting (memor and oblitus) dative of purpose, double dative). Review Perseus et Atlas and Ariovistus reading. PLEASE email with questions and/or complaints. Lucia est lux totius mundi.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, November 18, 2022.

1) Watch these three videos and take detailed notes. Organize the notes in a pretty, colorful creative and shapely poster. Make sure that you include the examples from the video. Value 40-50 points. a) Comparison with Quam b) Ablative of Comparison c) Ablative of Degree of Difference

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, November 10 , 2022.

1) Finish reading and translation the Caesar et Ariovistus in Oratio Obliqua passage with Ariovistus speaking to Caesar and Watch this video in the dative of purpose and the dirty dog double dative. Take detailed notes.

2) Complete both sides of Test Preparation: Perseus and Andromeda. Type your answers if your handwriting is lacking. See email for a copy with more vocabulary added. Make sure that you final answers observe standard Latin word order.

3)) Finish/review Perseus and Atlas story - PAGE 2. Be ready to read and translate this story on Thursday.

4) Start reviewing for approaching test consolidation test on passive voice of all indicative tenses, verb game, participles, active periphrastic, passive periphrastic with dative of agent, ablative absolutes, complementary and subjective infinitives, impersonal verbs and direct statement and special uses of cases (objective genitive, dative of agent, ablative of personal agent, SIDSPACE prepositions, genitive with words of remembering/forgetting, dative of purpose, double dative). Value 150-200 points.

5) Vocabulary quiz on list for infinitives on Friday, November 11.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, November 4, 2022.

1) Caesar vs. Ariovistus Read Passage:

a) Watch this video in the dative of purpose and the dirty dog double dative. Take detailed notes.

b) Finish reading and translation the Caesar et Ariovistus in Oratio Obliqua passage with Ariovistus speaking to Caesar. Be able to read, translate and discuss in class on Friday.

2) Finish/review Perseus and Atlas story - PAGE 2. Be ready to read and translate this story on Thursday.

3) Next week we will have a consolidation test on participles, active periphrastic, passive periphrastic with dative of agent, ablative absolutes, complementary and subjective infinitives, impersonal verbs and direct statement. Value 100-150 points.

4) Continue learning vocabulary list for infinitives. Quiz in approx. 5 days. See email for this list.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, November 4, 2022.

1) Finish reading and translation the Oratio Obliqua passage with Ariovistus speaking to Caesar. Be able to read and discuss in class.

2) Finish/review Perseus and Atlas story - PAGE 2. Be ready to read and translate this story on Thursday.

4) Next week we will have a consolidation test on participles, active periphrastic, passive periphrastic with dative of agent, ablative absolutes, complementary and subjective infinitives, impersonal verbs and direct statement. Value 100-150 points.

3) Continue learning vocabulary list for infinitives. Quiz in approx. 5 days. See email for this list.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, November 1, 2022.

1) Read and write out a translation for the Cattus Petasatus (Cat in the Hat) on page 7 of Infinitival Syntax & Indirect Statement.

1.5) Finish/review Perseus and Atlas story - PAGE 2. Be ready to read and translate this story on Thursday.

2) Turn in the assignment: Infinite Suffering for Rabbit of Finite Ability. It has been sent to your email. Graded Ass.

3) Study for Final quiz (on Friday) on infinitives - morphology and syntax (subjective, complementary, and indirect statement, relative tense of infinitives) is coming soon, so keep reviewing my notes on Infinitival Syntax & Indirect Statement, all uses of Infinitives and these videos: Tenses of Infinitive in Indirect Statement. You may wish to review these videos: a) Morphology of Latin Infinitives. b) The Accusative Subject c) Indirect Statement

3) Continue learning vocabulary list for infinitives. Quiz in approx. 5 days. See email for this list.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, November 1, 2022.

1) Finish and review Perseus and Atlas story - pages 1 and 2. Be ready to read and translate this story on Tuesday.

2) Infinitives Continued:

a) Complete the assignment: Infinite Suffering for Rabbit of Finite Ability. It has been sent to your email. Graded Ass.

b) Final quiz on infinitives - morphology and syntax (subjective, complementary, and indirect statement, relative tense of infinitives) is coming soon, so keep reviewing my notes on Infinitival Syntax & Indirect Statement, all uses of Infinitives and these videos: Tenses of Infinitive in Indirect Statement. You may wish to review these videos: a) Morphology of Latin Infinitives. b) The Accusative Subject c) Indirect Statement

3) Continue learning vocabulary list for infinitives. Quiz in approx. 7 days. See email for this list.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, October 27, 2022.

1) Finish the Practice Quiz on Infinitives that you began in class on Tuesday. You may use a dictionary, notes, etc. Please email if you have questions or complaints. Chelea and Lucia have done so already but may do so again. I apologize for being away and I know that this topic may be causing infinite pain and mental anguish (dolor, doloris m.) but keep working at it without stress or anxiety.

2) Continue reading and translating the Perseus and Atlas story. Make sure that the first page is translated and well-prepared for Thursday’s class. Email if you need this.

3) Keep reviewing my notes on Infinitival Syntax & Indirect Statement, all uses of Infinitives and these videos: Tenses of Infinitive in Indirect Statement. You may wish to review these videos: a) Morphology of Latin Infinitives. b) The Accusative Subject c) Indirect Statement

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, October 25, 2022.

1) Watch this new video on tenses in indirect statement and take notes: Tenses of Infinitive in Indirect Statement. You may wish to review these videos: a) Morphology of Latin Infinitives. b) The Accusative Subject c) Indirect Statement

2) See your email for a KEY to use to self-correct pages 2 and 3 (The Mouse Sentences worked on or completed in class) of your handout on infinitives.

3) See you email for Infinitival Syntax & Indirect Statement. Read examples on pages 1-4 and then complete for Tuesday the questions on pages 5-6.

4) Review notes for our first quiz on infinitives on Tuesday, October 25.

5) Please email with questions and/or complaints.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, October 21, 2022.

2) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, October 20 on the nouns, adjectives etc. of the Perseus Vocabulary list with verb game on the back with participles and all Infinitives. I will also include a few pictures from the Perseus Myth to label.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, October 20, 2022.

1) The New and Extremely Important Topic is Infinitives (verbal nouns that have tense and voice):

a) What does Latin do with Infinitives? What all three videos, take detailed notes, and then organize notes in to a clever, creative and ideally colorful format. Detail, examples and precision are crucial. Include the concepts and different functions/uses of infinitives. Turn in on Thursday. Value 50-70 points.

i. Morphology of Latin Infinitives. ii. The Accusative Subject

iii. Indirect Statement

b) Complete five infinitives for all the verbs on page one of Morphology of Latin Infinitive. See page six if you need help with this. Bring this to class.

2) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, October 20 on the nouns, adjectives etc. of the Perseus Vocabulary list with verb game on the back with participles and all Infinitives. I will also include a few pictures from the Perseus Myth to label.

3) Review notes from the board from the Perseus Story read in class. What is quīdam, quaedam, quoddam? What are igitur, tamen, and autem? What is magnopere?

4) Consolidation quiz/small test coming next week on the last few topics of study. Keep reviewing, especially participles and ablative absolute.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, October 18, 2022.

1) Complete the take home quiz on participles with Actaeon and Diana. You must work independently but may use your notes or Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ for vocabulary.

2) Correct sentences 4, 5, 6, 7 of Participles, The Current Race and Them Apples Thrown. Value 50 points. Make sure your final answer observe standard Latin word order. Type your final answer if you penmanship is lacking.

3) Complete on page 2 sentences 7, 8, 9, 10 of Short Sentences for Bunnies, Having Been Set Free. Video on the Ablative Absolute See Wheelock pages 193-4 for more information on this topic.

4) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, October 18 on the nouns, adjectives etc. of the Perseus Vocabulary list with verb game on the back with participles.

5)Videos for Review: (Video on the dative of agent). Review also for this question the objective genitive and the ablative of personal agent. You may wish to review Present Active Participle Future Active Participle Future Passive Participle

4) Review notes from the board from the Perseus Story read in class. What is quīdam, quaedam, quoddam? What are igitur, tamen, and autem? What is magnopere?

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, October 18, 2022.

1) Complete the take home quiz on participles with Actaeon and Diana. You must work independently but may use your notes or Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ for vocabulary.

2) Correct sentences 4, 5, 6, 7 of Participles, The Current Race and Them Apples Thrown. Value 50 points. Make sure your final answer observe standard Latin word order. Type your final answer if you penmanship is lacking.

3) Complete on page 2 sentences 7, 8, 9, 10 of Short Sentences for Bunnies, Having Been Set Free. Video on the Ablative Absolute See Wheelock pages 193-4 for more information on this topic.

4) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, October 18 on the nouns, adjectives etc. of the Perseus Vocabulary list with verb game on the back with participles.

5)Videos for Review: (Video on the dative of agent). Review also for this question the objective genitive and the ablative of personal agent. You may wish to review Present Active Participle Future Active Participle Future Passive Participle

4) Review notes from the board from the Perseus Story read in class. What is quīdam, quaedam, quoddam? What are igitur, tamen, and autem? What is magnopere?

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, October 20, 2022.

1) Watch this video in Latin Infinitives.

) Complete on page 2 sentences 7, 8, 9, 10 of Short Sentences for Bunnies, Having Been Set Free. Video on the Ablative Absolute See Wheelock pages 193-4 for more information on this topic.

4) Vocabulary Quiz on Friay, October 18 on the nouns, adjectives etc. of the Perseus Vocabulary list with verb game on the back with participles and all Infinitives.

5)Videos for Review: (Video on the dative of agent). Review also for this question the objective genitive and the ablative of personal agent. You may wish to review Present Active Participle Future Active Participle Future Passive Participle

4) Review notes from the board from the Perseus Story read in class. What is quīdam, quaedam, quoddam? What are igitur, tamen, and autem? What is magnopere?

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, October 13, 2022.

1) Work on the Ablative Absolute:

a) What does absolute mean? Watch this video on the Ablative Absolute and take detailed notes. Organize your notes into a clever, useful and visually appealing formate. Turn in the beginning of class value 40 points.

b) Complete page one and two (down to and including #8) of Short Sentences for Bunnies, Having Been Set Free. See Wheelock pages 193-4 for more information on this topic.

2) Quiz on all participles. Know morphology, relative tense, translation (literal vs. elevated in subordinate clause), active periphrastic, passive periphrastic with the dative of agent (Video on the dative of agent). Review also for this question the objective genitive and the ablative of personal agent. You may wish to review Present Active Participle Future Active Participle Future Passive Participle

3) Review notes from the board from the Perseus Story read in class. What is quīdam, quaedam, quoddam? What are igitur, tamen, and autem? What is magnopere?

4) Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, October 18 on the nouns, adjectives etc. of the Perseus Vocabulary list with verb game on the back with participles.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, October 11, 2022.

1) Complete all sentences in the English to Latin Assignment with Atalanta and Hippomenes: Participles, the Current Race and Them Apples Thrown. Read the directions carefully. See your email for a copy with much added vocabulary. Do not hesitate to email me with questions. Type your final answers, if you penmanship is lacking. Value 50 points.

2) Crucial and essential: Watch this video on the Ablative Absolute prior to Tuesday’s class and take detailed notes.

3) Myth of Perseus, sections: Jupiter Saves his Son and Perseus is Sent on his Travels. Be able to read and translate orally in classs. See the following page for vocabulary and notes. An oral reading/translation grade will be assigned at the end of quarter so be well prepared

4) Keep reviewing these videos: Video on the dative of agent with the passive periphrastic

Present Active Participle Future Active Participle Future Passive Participle

5) Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday, October 13 on the nouns, adjectives etc. of the Perseus Vocabulary list with verb game on the back with participles.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, October 6, 2022.

1) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, October 7 on the verbs only of the Perseus Vocabulary list with verb game on the back with participles. Know all four principal parts.

2) On Thursday we will read rapidly: Myth of Perseus, sections: Jupiter Saves his Son and Perseus is Sent on his Travels. Be able to read and translate orally in classs. See the following page for vocabulary and notes. An oral reading/translation grade will be assigned at the end of quarter so be well prepared

3) Keep review these videos: Video on the dative of agent with the passive periphrastic

Present Active Participle Future Active Participle Future Passive Participle

4) Bring other reading/trans. from Tuesday’s class so we can correct and read it in class.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, October 7 on the verbs only of the Perseus Vocabulary list with verb game on the back.

1) Short Quiz on the morphology of Latin’s four participles and their literal translation into English. Know also the relative tense of each participle. Study pages 184-7 of Wheelock’s Latin, Quiz will be similar to grid/chart with bananas.

2) What these videos on three of Latin’s four participle and take notes and the very shapely Video on the dative of agent with the passive periphrastic

Present Active Participle Future Active Participle Future Passive Participle

3) Complete the three sentences on page 3 of Perseus vs. Participles. See vocabulary list for help or use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ.

4) Final quiz (period 4 only) on the indicative mood active and passive with present infinite active and passive infinitives.

4) Old but review and be prepared to read rapidly: Myth of Perseus, sections: Jupiter Saves his Son and Perseus is Sent on his Travels. Be able to read and translate orally in classs. See the following page for vocabulary and notes. An oral reading/translation grade will be assigned at the end of quarter so be well prepared

5) Continue learning the new vocabulary titled Perseus Vocabulary. Quiz in 7 days. Verb game on the back.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, September 29, 2022.

1) Complete the back of the verb game key titled Active vs Passive Review exercises. See the Perseus Vocabulary for these verbs.

2) Final quiz on the indicative mood active and passive with present infinite active and passive infinitives. Format will be same as number 1 above (English to Latin with vocabulary provided) but with a final verb game on the back. The four participles will be bonus points on this one.

3) Some work on Latin’s Four Participles:

a) Watch this video and take detailed notes with examples provided. Organize notes. Then read and study pages 184-7 of Wheelock’s Latin,

b) Complete pages 1 and 3 (sentences 1, 2, 3, 4 only) of Participles for Banana Eating Bunnies. I will ask to see this complete for a HW grade

4) Read and write out a translation for the Myth of Perseus, sections: Jupiter Saves his Son and Perseus is Sent on his Travels. Be able to read and translate orally in classs. See the following page for vocabulary and notes. An oral reading/translation grade will be assigned at the end of quarter so be well prepared

4) Begin learning the new vocabulary titled Perseus Vocabulary. Quiz in 10 days.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, September 27, 2022.

1) Complete page 4 with two verb games of Patient Passive Peacock.

2) Verb game quiz with two verb games in the same format as in number one above.

3) Read and write out a translation for the first page (The Ark and Jupiter Saves his Son) of Perseus. Be able to read and translate orally in classs. See the following page for vocabulary and notes.

4) Quiz on Friday on verbal morphology English to Latin. I will email a practice version of this soon.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, September 23, 2022.

1) Use keys handed out in class to finish correcting exercises on verbal morphology.

1.5) Short quiz for the grade book on active and passive in the present and perfect systems. The format will be the same as the practice for Thursday’s class.

2) A little more active/passive drill for morphological brilliant bunnies:

a) Complete page two of the big blue sheet Conjugation Fun will All Tenses and Voices.

b) Complete page two of Patient Passive Peacock.

2) Finish paragraphs 3 and 4 of The Last of the Roman Kings (De Lucio Tarquinio Superbo). See page 3 and 4 of handout for some vocabulary. Other use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ Keep review stories about the kings. Quiz coming soon on translation, morphology and syntax.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, September 22, 2022.

1) Review notes on verbal morphology from class and then complete a and b below. If you need more instructions with the perfect system tenses active and passive, see Wheelock, pages 96-8 (active) and 153-4 (passive).

a) Complete page one of the big blue sheet Conjugation Fun will All Tenses and Voices.

b) Complete page one and page three of Patient Passive Peacock.

2) Read and translate paragraphs two and three of the new story The Last of the Roman Kings (De Lucio Tarquinio Superbo). See page 3 and 4 of handout for some vocabulary. Other use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ Keep review stories about the kings. Quiz coming soon on translation, morphology and syntax.

3) Revise sentence 3 of Big Frog Ass. on Passive Voice and Objective Gen. You may (optional) wish to the videos on the passive voice of the present system: Present Passive Indicative and Imperfect Passive Indicative and Future Passive Indicative and Watch this video on passive present infinitive. and video on the Objective Genitive. Quiz coming soon on this material. The blue handout on verbal morphology may also be helpful for reference.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, September 20, 2022.

1) Complete both sides of Big Frog Ass. on Passive Voice and Objective Gen. You may (optional) wish to the videos on the passive voice of the present system: Present Passive Indicative and Imperfect Passive Indicative and Future Passive Indicative and Watch this video on passive present infinitive. and video on the Objective Genitive. Quiz coming soon on this material. The blue handout on verbal morphology may also be helpful for reference.

2) Watch this short video on the Partitive/Genitive of the Whole and then read and translate paragraphs two and three of the new story The Last of the Roman Kings (De Lucio Tarquinio Superbo). See page 3 and 4 of handout for some vocabulary. Other use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ Keep review stories about the kings. Quiz coming soon on translation, morphology and syntax.

3) Quiz on vocabulary list for Servius Tullius. Quiz on Tuesday, September 20. There will be a bonus sexy verb game on the back.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, September 16, 2022.

1) We will have a final declension review quiz with the same format as Declension Fun with Diminutive Dragon on Friday, Sept. 16. Value 80 points. See me if you would like another to practice. Here are videos to help you review and perfect Latin’s five declensions of nouns. Bonus will be a verb game like the one with pavones purpurei.

4) Continue learning the vocabulary list for Servius Tullius. Quiz on Tuesday, September 20.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, September 15, 2022.

1) Work to be done on the passive voice in the present system (present, imperfect and future tenses):

a) Complete Introduction to Latin verbs & Verbal Morphology (this is the one with the snake that we started in class). Rewatch this video on the Present Passive Indicative, if you need help. See Wheelock, pages 502-3 for the paradigms.

b) Watch Imperfect Passive Indicative and Future Passive Indicative. Then complete pages one and two of Patient Passive Peacock Quiz.

c) Watch this video on passive present infinitive and the complete page one of Passive Sentences. video, voider in the passive can meaning “seem” and is copulative (a grammatical =). Lucia nōbīs vidētur periculosa. You seems dangerous to us.

1.5) Watch this video on the Objective Genitive and take detailed notes.

1.8) Read and translate paragraph one of the new story The Last of the Roman Kings (De Lucio Tarquinio Superbo). See page 3 and 4 of handout for some vocabulary. Other use Online Dictionary ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

2) We will have a final declension review quiz with the same format as Declension Fun with Diminutive Dragon on Friday, Sept. 16. Value 80 points. See me if you would like another to practice. Here are videos to help you review and perfect Latin’s five declensions of nouns.

4) Continue learning the vocabulary list for Servius Tullius. Quiz on Tuesday, September 20.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, September 13, 2022.

1)Watch this video on the Present Passive Indicative and take detailed notes and recite forms aloud. Study page 5 of handout to see the entire conjugation in the passive voice. What are the six passive personal ending for the present system tenses? If you need help understanding the passive voice in English you may watch this video. Present Passive Indicative Imperfect Passive Indicative Future Passive Indicative

Watch this video on passive present infinitive.

2) For Tuesday read and write out a translation for paragraph 3, 4, 5 (down to the end) of De Morte Servii Tullii. See vocabulary list for help. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See vocabulary list for help and me if you have questions. KEEP Reviewing Stories. You may wish to review this video on the use of the 4th principal part as an adjective.

3) Complete the take home quiz on UNUS NAUTA words. Work independently but you may use a dictionary or email me with questions. SIGN PLEDGE.

4) Old but bring: Finish numbers 11-20 on Declension Fun with Diminutive Dragon. We will have a final declension review quiz with the same or similar format on Thursday, Sept. 15. so keep reviewing paradigms on pink thing and these videos, if necessary. Here are videos to help you review and perfect Latin’s five declensions of nouns.

4) Continue learning the vocabulary list for Servius Tullius. Quiz on Friday, September 16.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, September 8, 2022.

1) For Thursday read and write out translation for paragraph 2, 3, 4 (down to interfectus) of De Morte Servii Tullii. See vocabulary list for help. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See vocabulary list for help and me if you have questions. KEEP Reviewing Stories. You may wish to review this video on the use of the 4th principal part as an adjective.

2) Finish numbers 11-20 on Declension Fun with Diminutive Dragon. We will have a final declension review quiz with the same or similar format on Tuesday, Sept. 13. so keep reviewing paradigms on pink thing and these videos, if necessary. Here are videos to help you review and perfect Latin’s five declensions of nouns.

2) Quiz on pronominal adjectives UNUS NAUTA words on Thursday, Sept. 8. Study the two practice quizzes/assignments on this topic. Value 50-60 points.

4) Continue learning the vocabulary list for Servius Tullius. Quiz on Tuesday, September 13.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, September 6, 2022.

1) Review all notes from Thurday’s class, especially on the story and UNUS NAUTA words. We will have a final declension review quiz soon so keep reviewing paradigms on pink thing and these videos, if necessary. Here are videos to help you review and perfect Latin’s five declensions of nouns.

2) Downland the UNUS NAUTA Quiz Preparation Sentences and complete for Tuesday. I have also emailed this to you. Here is the video, if you need to review it: pronominal adjectives UNUS NAUTA words

3) For Tuesday read and write out translation for first paragraph of De Morte Servii Tullii. See vocabulary list for help. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See vocabulary list for help and me if you have questions.

4) Continue learning the vocabulary list for Servius Tullius. Quiz on Tuesday, September 13.

Agenda & Homework for Thursday, September 1, 2022.

1) Review all notes from Tuesday’s class, especially on the story and UNUS NAUTA words. We will have a final declension review quiz next week so keep reviewing paradigm on pink thing. Here are videos to help you review and perfect Latin’s five declensions of nouns.

2) Watch these two videos (demonstrative adjective ille, illa, illud and pronominal adjectives UNUS NAUTA words) and take detailed notes with paradigms and examples. Then organize your notes in to a pretty, colorful, useful and clever format or small poster, if you wish. I will take this in for grade on Thursday. Value 40-50 points.

3) Old but finish and review what we have read in class and finish writing out a translation for first and SECOND paragraph of The Reign of Servius Tullius who is Rome’s sixth and penultimate king (rex sextus). See last the page of the handout for vocabulary to help. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See vocabulary list for help.

4) Continue learning the vocabulary list for Servius Tullius. Quiz late next week.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, August 30, 2022.

1) Short morphological quiz on nouns of the first/second declension adjective and third declension adjectives. See pages one and two the pink thing.

2) Complete numbers 11-20 of Practice Quiz Declension Fun with Very Sexy Drago. See page 1, 2 and 6 of the pink thing. Here are videos to help you review and perfect Latin’s five declensions of nouns.

3) Review what we have read in class and finish writing out a translation for first and SECOND paragraph of The Reign of Servius Tullius who is Rome’s sixth and penultimate king (rex sextus). See last the page of the handout for vocabulary to help. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See vocabulary list for help.

4) Continue learning the vocabulary list for Servius Tullius. Quiz in approximately 10 days.

Agenda & Homework for Friday, August 26, 2022.

1) Short morphological quiz on nouns of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension. See pages one and two the pink thing. Here are videos to help you review and perfect Latin’s five declensions of nouns.

2) Complete numbers 3-10 of Practice Quiz Declension Fun with Very Sexy Drago. See page 1, 2 and 6 of the pink thing.

3) Read and write out a translation for first paragraph (stop at agēmus) of The Reign of Servius Tullius who is Rome’s sixth and penultimate king (rex sextus). See last the page of the handout for vocabulary to help. Be able to read and translate orally in class. See vocabulary list for help.

4) Continue learning the vocabulary list for Servius Tullius. Quiz in approximately 10 days.

Agenda & Homework for Tuesday, August 23, 2022.

1) Overview of Latin II with a little Roman History and Geography

2) Syntax Review with Dragon Sentence: What three forms of agreement exist in the Latin Language?

3) Declension Review. Start with declensions 1, 2, 3. Here are videos to help. Recite the paradigms aloud magnā voce.

4) Email me with questions.

5) Read and write out a translation for the new story, The Reign of Servius Tullius who is Rome’s sixth and penultimate king (rex sextus). See last the page of the handout for vocabulary to help. Be able to read and translate orally in class.

6) Declension Review: a) Start reviewing all declensions of nouns and adjectives. . Here are videos to help. Recite the paradigms aloud maximā voce. b) Complete page one of Practice Quiz: Declension Fun with Sexy Drago  

7) Review the English to Latin sentence completed in class. What three forms of syntactic agreement exist in Latin? What is the difference between an infinitive and a finite verb? What is a substantive? What are appositive nouns?

Agenda & Homework for Friday, September 11, 2020.

1) Review:

a) The Decentius in Pacem inscription. See image below. Latin Dictionary LOGEION

b) What is cognate? What is a derivative?

2) Syntax Review: What three forms of agreement exist in the Latin Language? Find these forms of agreement in the Latin sentence below. Lupus fortis, quem nōs in illā arbore oculīs nostrīs heri vīdimus, Viswam Magnum tempore brevī mordēbit. Viswa, -ae (m)

3) Declension Review.

a) Download and complete this version of declension fun. Email it to me prior to next class on Friday.

b) Start with declensions 1, 2, 3. Here are videos to help. Recite the paradigms aloud magnā voce.

4) Read, prepare and write out a translation of Saturnus et Iuppiter for Friday’s class. Find pdf in your email. tu… expellēris is passive voice - see Wheelock pages 169-70. Email if you get stuck on something and would like help. Latin Dictionary LOGEION

Agenda & Homework for Wednesday, September 9 2020.

1) Overview of Latin II and Roman History.

2) Syntace.

4) Email me with questions. x Review: What three forms of agreement exist in the Latin Language? Find these forms of agreement in the Latin sentence below. Why is Caroline a precocious bunny? Lupus fortis, quem nōs in illā arbore oculīs nostrīs heri vīdimus, Viswam Magnum tempore brevī mordēbit. Viswa, -ae (m)

3) Declension Review. Start with declensions 1, 2, 3. Here are videos to help. Recite the paradigms aloud magnā vo











