Study Guide for Second Semester Test, January 2019
A. Terms and Grammatical Concepts:
accentuation, antepenult, penult, ultima, diphthong, macron
inflection, morphology, syntax
declension, paradigm, gender, number, case, vocative, nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative, substantive, appositive
finite verb, transitive verb, intransitive verb, and completive verb (sum, esse) principal parts, conjugation, infinitive, complementary infinitive, tense, voice, mood (indicative, imperative) person, number, prefix, infix, suffix,
What is the relationship between a finite verb and its subjunctive?
What is the grammatical relation between a noun a modifying adjective?
What is a substantive? Many know this answer.
What thing must appositive nouns share?
B. Nouns and Adjectives
1. Morphology: Nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Declensions (consonant stem vs. i-stem).
i. 1st Examples: lupa, lupae (f) and APPIAN words, such as nauta, -ae (m)
ii. 2nd Examples: servus, servī (m), ager, agrī (m), vir, virī (m) and saxum, saxī (n)
iii. 3rd Examples: Consonant Stems: rex, regis (m), virtus, virtutis (f) and corpus, corporis (n)
iv. 3rdExamples: “i” - Stems: parisyllabics: cīvis, cīvis (m), monosyllabics: urbs, urbis (f), Neuters: mare, maris (n), animal, animalis (n), exemplar, exemplaris (n) How does a mortal man or woman recognize an I-stem noun from the dictionary entry.
2. Adjective of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Declensions
i. 1st/2nd Adjectives.
Examples: pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum; miser, misera, miserum, magnus, a, um
ii. 3rd Examples - all are“i” - Stems:
Examples: audax, audacis gravis, grave celer, celeris, celere
3. Case syntax or what functions do cases preform. See List. CRUCIAL SECTION. This is the complete list for Latin II but for now know only the ones that we have covered. Remember me to go through this with you in class.
4. Cardinal numbers from 1-10. unus, a, umduo, duae, duo tres, tria
C. Verbal Morphology and Syntax
Four Conjugations and Meaning/Function of Principal Parts
Present System Tenses for all conjugations: Present, Future, Imperfect (principal parts 1 and 2). See Wheelock, pages 501-4. Know all possible English translations for each: 3 for present and 6 for imperfect.
Prefect Active (3rd principal part) + i, isti, it, imus, istis, erunt/ere
Prefect Passive (4th principal part) + sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt
4th principal part used as an adjective (participle) animal amatum - “the loved animal” or “the animal having been loved.”
Imperative Mood for all conjugations. See appendix in Wheelock, page 502
Irregular Verbs: sum, esse, fui, futurus and possum, posse, potuī
Relationship between a nominative subject and finite verb.
Complementary Infinitive. Elliot ranas mordere potest.
Verbs that govern the dative case (appropinquo, studeo, noceo, pareo, impero).
D. All Vocabulary List. Click Here. But focus on words that we have used.
E. Stories/Reading
Niobe et Latona
Trojan War Stories