The Aeneas Legend
Homer's Iliad
Ilium, Troia, Priamus, Hecuba, Hector, Agamemnon, Achilles, Menelaus, Helen of Sparta
Ilioupersis -The destruction of Troy by the Greeks
Nostoi Homer's Odyssey
Vergil's Aeneid Watch this video for a summary of Vergil's Epic
Venus and Anchises
Aeneas - Creusa
Aeneas, profugus fato
Penates, Anchises,
Carthage & Queen Dido
Latins and King Latinus
Turnus, King of the Rutulians
Lavinia, Aeneas's new wife in Latium
Lavinium, new city in Latium, founded by Aeneas
Venus, the mother of Trojan Aeneas
The Climax of the Ilioupersis (destruction of Tory/Ilium). Here King Priam is slaughtered on the altar by the son of Achilles, Pyrrhus and the Trojan women take refuge in the sanctuary of Minerva/Athena (left).
Coin of Caesar with Venus, Aeneas and Anchises
Black Figure Amphora with Aeneas, Anchises, Ascanius and Venus
Aeneas, Anchises, Iulus/Ascanius and the Penates (gods of the family)
Aeneas escapes the destruction of Troy
Aeneas and Dido in Carthage, Africa.
Map of Aeneas Journey from Troy to Latin (Italy)
Aeneas Sacrifices in Latium